Whats your why? (my story, looking for more friends)

RonRoff Posts: 175 Member
edited September 2015 in Introduce Yourself
It's going to be a hard road. I'll be happy to roam this hard road with you and overcome the obstacles that you will encounter, just add me as a friend!

About me
In february 2015 i weighed 124kg and was not feeling healthy, i had a gaming addiction (World of Warcraft) and with that, i was addicted to food. I ate a lot of poor quality foods and my decision making was almost 100% based on spending as much time as i could inside the game.

Today i'm 103.5kg and still going strong. I failed many times, learned from it and pushed forward. Before this year is over i'll be around 90kg. In february 2015 i was a software engineer. And now i'm a (medical) personal trainer and weight consultant! I'm getting closer to finishing all my educations for it now, but already work in a large gym.

What helped me?
The first part is very simple. The ability to learn, adapt and the willingness to fail over and over again before getting it right!!! The second part is learning to deal with the emotions that come with making changes to your way of life.

I am very influenced by what i see (videos) or what i hear (music) and with that, i have been able to get a lot of strength and reassurance from watching videos on youtube, like these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26U_seo0a1g

The videos from Mateusz M are a great inspiration for me.

To be able at any moment, to sacrifice who you are, for what you will become
When you get on your path to change, you got to sacrifice who you are and keep in your mind where you are heading. Sacrifices come with pain and emotions.

Whats your why?