Small Goals?

Does anyone have small goals that they are working while they are waiting to achieve their overall goal? I'm guessing yes. Well ultimate goal is to weigh 160. My first short term goal is 20 pounds....and I'm confident that I will have lost that when I go weigh in on Monday. My second goal is to weigh less than 300 pounds....and I'm more than halfway there. It's going to be a huge milestone for me, because I haven't weighed less than 300 in close to 5 years. I am so excited!!

How about everyone else? How far away from reaching your next goal are you?


  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    I am 45 pounds from my ultimate goal.

    I am 30 pounds from my goal by the end of the year.

    I am 20 pounds from my goal by the end of September.

    I am 10 pounds from my goal by the end of July.

    I am 5 pounds from my goal by the end of a "biggest loser" contest at work that ends July 10th.

    I am 1 pound from my goal by next wednesday's weigh in for said contest. (and also from being in the 170's which I haven't been in 4 years!)

    Every week I set a new goal that is 2 pounds less than my current weight at that time (as I want to lose 2 pounds a week for a few more weeks then if I lose 1 pound a week, I'm fine with that). I have a sticky on my computer with that new weight written on it so it's staring back at me to remind me what I'm working towards. It has really help me as it's ONLY 2 pounds. It's not overwhelming. I have done this since March and have lost 30 pounds in the last 3 months. Works for me!