Looking for Support group to keep my mental focus

41, father of 3 with a busy work schedule. Been attacking this new lifestyle for 5 weeks now and know from previous experience that the "wall" is coming up. Making good progress as always, started at 205 and now at 192, 12 lbs to go! Need support to keep me strong to reach the goal.


  • Marinemomm
    Marinemomm Posts: 64 Member
    Don't be afraid to switch up your activity so your body doesn't get use to the same thing all the time. Sounds like your doing good! Keep going and don't stop!
  • lacey3850
    lacey3850 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi Jason!! Looks like you're doing great so far! I know about hitting walls and its frustration! I came back to this app a few days ago and I feel so good, there's so much motivation. Feel free to add me if Ya want!