butterfly25 Posts: 186 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
i'm going up instead of down and its my own fault...i have no well power any more:ohwell: ...HELP HOW DO I GET IT BACK????


  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    It's hard =o/
    You gotta decide that this is what you want!
    I've had many fall f the wagon days, but I just get back on the next day....good luck!
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    You can do it! You don't have much to lose, I think it's the people that have only 10 or so pounds to shed that it is the hardest for. That 10 pounds is probably the difference for you to feel comfortable in your clothes though isn't it. Just stay focused! Are you completing your diary, are you honestly keeping track of everything that crosses your lips? Hang in there! Don't throw in the towel and succumb to the little devils of the tasty treats! :happy:
  • but it’s not will
    power WE need, it’s want power.

    We have to first want, want to change bad habits, want to lose some weight,
    Once we want a thing badly enough, you will do whatever it takes.
  • mmshadell
    mmshadell Posts: 16
    You can do it- just stay focused. I completly feel off last night- couldnt say no to the beer and chip & dips. It was so good but after i ate i felt horrible for ruining my entire day of food. But today is a new day and im back on track.
  • We all have this problem. It's why we ended up on this site to begin with. Take a deep breath. You ready? Now, how bad do you want this? So get it together! It's the simplest thing, but completely complex. Our minds have to be right or we just end up where we were before. Planning is key. Plan your meals down the the snacks that you want. Get to the grocery store and only buy the right foods so the temptation isn't there. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • dlrcpa
    dlrcpa Posts: 114 Member
    Hm, if you are a list-maker like me, I find it REALLY helps if I enter in my food for the day AHEAD of time. Then I update as necessary, but I can balance the day out during the morning planning time. I also lay in my exercise plan. Then you just have to follow the plan. Easy for some (like me - I have a "routine" because the dog has to be walked, fix dinner fo hubby, clean the house, etc.) Try it and see if it works for you. I also set "goals" for the week -- minimum 4 fruits/vegs a day, 4 days of 500 calories of exercise, minimum 4 glasses water/day. Then at the end of the week I feel I accomplished something even if the scale didn't move very much, I know I had a healthier week than I would have had otherwise.
  • cdake60
    cdake60 Posts: 3 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! I went for about a year on a yo yo of losing and gaining, until I finally told myself that's enough. You really have to get your mind in the right place-this is not temporary plan-this is changing your whole way of thinking about food. You have to change everything-the way you shop, cook, plan, eat. Look at it as a lifestyle change and realize that this is it from now on-this is how you are going to treat your body-better, healthier! Don't beat yourself up for little slips either-we all do it, as long as you get back on track the next day-YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
    "The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in the long term is the indispensable pre-requisite for success."
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    I know how you feel! I went through this for years then I read the book "I can make you thin" by Paul McKenna and it really helped change the way I looked at dieting and gave me the motivation I needed to make a life style change rather than go on another diet like I had soooo many times in the past. I used this book as a first step and I have now lost over 15 pounds (5 since starting mfp a month ago) and only have 5 more pounds to go to reach my goal. The best part is for the first time in my life I KNOW that I am going to reach that goal and stay there! Hope this helps:)
  • Hi. I don't know you. But i do have a suggestion for you. I did some research online last night and there is this type of chemical that the brain makes when it feels full. I don't remember exactly, but i think its called sedintary or something like that. I don't remember, but its something like that anyway. So i was looking online and there was something that i read that said that if you add more fiber and protein to your diet, it will make you feel fuller longer. Some people, like a nurse had said that she does not recommend a protein shake, but that is what most people think of when they think of taking in more protein. So she said also that if that is the case if the majority of the people would rather drink a protein shake than to eat another hamburger throughout the day, she does not recommend protein for those types of people. Instead, she said to eat more thinks that have fiber in it, for example, apples, wheat, and those fiber bars, those are good because when you eat a regular meal for example, you eat supper and then two hours later you are hungry again. If you get hungry after eating supper like most people do, then try at that time that you are eating your supper or dinner try eating a fiber bar with your meal. The reason fiber makes you feel fuller longer is because fiber works with the food you eat and it causes the food you eat to digest a lot slower which makes you feel fuller longer. So try that and see if that works. Some other people would rather have the fiber bar instead and that is okay, i would watch your sugar intake during the times you are eating, sugar can cause you to feel hungry later on after the feeling of being full from having snacks and candy wears off. Ok? I just wanted to help. I hope this helps you and maybe some other people too.
  • butterfly25
    butterfly25 Posts: 186 Member
    thank you all..i'm really going to do this and do it FOR GOOD..cause i like how i feel when i do and i dont like how i feel when i dont and when my summer close dont fit when just last summer they did...THIS IS GOING TO BE A CHANGE FOR THE BETTER....thank you all for and surrport:flowerforyou:
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