weight loss

scm1818 Posts: 10 Member
edited September 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello. Everyone. Just wanted to say that I've been overweight most of my life. Always would exercise and than give up when the scale would not drop pounds. I knew I wasn't cheating that I was eating right but I would just be in a plateau. I would always give up after that obstacle. Never achieving my goal. So in the year 2013 I decided to make a change and tell myself I would not give up. Sure enough I stuck with it. Kept seeing plateau but kept pushing. Than I finally saw results. In a year I lost 80 pounds. In 2014 I find out I'm 2 months into my pregnancy. I was shock. I was overwhelmed with joy but felt that it can hinder my weight loss. Eventually during my pregnancy I kept eating right n doing light exercise. I had my girl in June 2015. N I've been left with pregnancy weight. I lost 20 pounds after my csection due to stress. I went up 15 pounds because I started to eat like crazy. Than I. Catched myself and started to eat right and exercise everyday. Loosing this weight and staying healthy is my goal. And I will do it again and reach my goal. We all can do it and we will do it!! I'm looking for friends here for we can help each other to be motivated. I have a youtube channel you can check out. I will post videos of my weight loss, workouts I'm doing and foods I'm eating to loose the weight. Please follow the link below to see my story. Like and subscribe.
I will be posting up new videos about weightloss.
Let's help each other reach are goals because we all can do it.
