Still hungry!!

I have eaten about half of my calorie allowance for the day and am still hungry. There are still quite a few hours before bedtime.


  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    Unfortunately, hunger is often part of losing weight. I actually often find myself less hungry when I go without food for several hours. That's why some people do well with Intermittent Fasting. They eat only within a limited window.

    I would drink some water, black tea, a cup of low-calorie broth or a low-calorie snack. Then try to distract yourself if still hungry.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Try more filling foods. More protein, fiber and healthy fat. I like plain grilled chicken breast dipped in a little guacamole.
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    Usually when I just feel hungry no matter what and can't ignore it, I chew on sunflower seeds. They're pretty low-calorie, take a long time to eat, and distract you. Plus they have the added benefit of making your body feel like it's getting food.
  • qubetha
    qubetha Posts: 83 Member
    Yes, drinks can make a huge difference. The more the merrier. There is some evidence that thirst is sometimes misinterpreted by the brain as hunger. if you have not been drinking enough for many years your body starts to crave food when it's thirsty because it has learned that to be its primary source of liquids. So sometimes you have to drink as much as you can for a really extended period to retrain your brain into feeling thirst instead of hunger when you are dehydrated :-)
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    I would evaluate if I'm actually hungry or maybe just bored. A low calorie, filling snack might help. Some almonds and an apple. I find a little protein and a little fat help fill me up. I also find that warm liquids (tea, coffee, broth, etc) seem to help. Just watch the sugar/cream calories. They can add up.
  • Asherberry
    Asherberry Posts: 30 Member
    Verdenal wrote: »
    Unfortunately, hunger is often part of losing weight. I actually often find myself less hungry when I go without food for several hours. That's why some people do well with Intermittent Fasting. They eat only within a limited window.

    I would drink some water, black tea, a cup of low-calorie broth or a low-calorie snack. Then try to distract yourself if still hungry.

    I do well with fasting. I have a schedule for myself when I'm having each meal/snack. As long as I stay hydrated, I rarely feel hungry. It's time to eat and I don't even realize it!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I have eaten about half of my calorie allowance for the day and am still hungry. There are still quite a few hours before bedtime.

    Eat the other half?
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I have eaten about half of my calorie allowance for the day and am still hungry. There are still quite a few hours before bedtime.

    Eat the other half?

  • sheluvshells2
    sheluvshells2 Posts: 8 Member
    Verdenal wrote: »
    Unfortunately, hunger is often part of losing weight. I actually often find myself less hungry when I go without food for several hours. That's why some people do well with Intermittent Fasting. They eat only within a limited window.

    I would drink some water, black tea, a cup of low-calorie broth or a low-calorie snack. Then try to distract yourself if still hungry.
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I have eaten about half of my calorie allowance for the day and am still hungry. There are still quite a few hours before bedtime.

    Eat the other half?


  • sheluvshells2
    sheluvshells2 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you everyone for these suggestions. Sounds like they will help.
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    And, further back to basics: can it be that your goal is too agressive? Are you eating back exercise calories...? If your goal is too low and you are not eating back your exercise calories, hunger is pretty much unavoidable.
  • NeonStrikeVi
    NeonStrikeVi Posts: 61 Member
    Drink more water and if you haven't done so already, cut out sugary drinks. I found that these increased my hunger, plus you'll save on your daily calorie intake to fit in more nutritious foods. Try adding foods that are high in fibre into your meals.

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    im always hungry.

    well, i could always EAT.... LOL

    learning when youre really hungry and when you could just eat is part of the process....
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    There are those days that i want more food too. Not even really hungry, just a bigger appetite.

    and i eat more food those days
    Try to do fats and proteins and hope for the best. But most of the time it solves it for me

    As long as i dont eat SURPLUS anything is allowed, lol So i will lose a bit less that big deal.

    I have never really been hungry all this time. Just more appetite some days.
    Well then i eat more.
    Not going to make it hard on myself at all.

    Almost lost 110 pounds now in 11 months
    And there is not a single day that i didn't eat what i wanted/needed
    I made a habit of pre-planning at least a day before, and i tweak the day itself what change in my dairy...when more appetite i try to make big salads fill up on the veggies and incorporate the protein (snacks) etc.
    In a way i eat less dense calorie food and try to balance it with proteins and fat...which works for me
    Than i load of coffee of water to it and the day is gone before i know it. Being active and get my mind set to something else and walking.

    But it is different for everybody, you have to find your "nitch" to solve this kinda feeling. Fight it, eat more, be active, different kinda foods, more fat or protein whatever. Just try things out.

  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    OP, if you have 1/2 of your calorie allowance left, I would think you would be hungry! The idea of MFP is that your daily goal already has a deficit built in. Eat what you have left! :)
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    edited September 2015
    I used to feel hungry ALL the time. Once I started doing more things, focusing on school, exercising more and just drinking water/reading/occupying myself and eating slowly I noticed I can go 6-7 hours without food easily, whereas I used to want to eat every 2 hours

    And as a somewhat obvious tip. If you're hungry, make your next meal lean protein and lots of fibrous veggies. Do not eat sugary or processed snacks like those terrible fiber one bars ;)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I have ravenous days too. I just eat and try to make good choices (lots of veggies, lean protein, good fats) to minimize the damage (doesn't always work).

    Otherwise, yeah... My days go better when I have plenty of protein and fiber at breakfast.
  • juliebowling1
    juliebowling1 Posts: 36 Member
    I hate being hungry, and honestly I LOVE food. That's how I got so overweight, of course. I try drinking water to fill that void, and just tell myself that hunger means my efforts are working. May sound stupid but I know if I go to bed hungry then I'll wake up the next with a better chance of seeing at least a small drop on the scale.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    OP, I'm going to assume the people telling you to just be hungry missed the part where you've only eaten half of your calories. You're meant to eat them all. EAT! :smile:
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    If you are quite new to your plan, this is totally normal. Your body is used to having more food than it needs so this sudden 'sensible eating' plan is making your body say "HUH?!". I'd say listen to your body and give it what it needs - if you feel hungry, incorporate protein-based snacks in to your day. Generally you know what fills you up better than anyone else so if you log those as snacks, I think it'll really help those hunger pangs. Stay strong and don't suffer through it - deprivation isn't the way :]