What happens at the end?



  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    There's not really an end, it's just another transition. No, I'm not trying to be philosophical.

    Agree. Also, if you've cut out fat-laden foods, you're going to want to slow down on introducing them or risk gastrointestinal distress. I think a reverse diet is in order--slowly bring your calories up until you find maintenance.

    OP, I saw your reply about being used to 300-400 calorie meals. But tbh an 800-calorie meal and a 400-calorie meal can be equally satiating. Sometimes the higher-calorie meal doesn't hold you as long. I don't think you're going to have as much of a problem as you think you will.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Rhyalus wrote: »
    @BurnWithBarn2015 - Thanks for the input... I think you are right in general, but the transition back may be hard psychologically. That being said, I think to bump up 400 or so calories per day will be easy - more than that I will have to see how it goes.


    More gradual would be better. Up it 200 and do that for some weeks see what happens...than up it again.
    Also less hard on your mind ;)