for all the fat shamers out there...



  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    Love this.
  • Smirfettewithmuscles
    I had a tear:) this is so well written!
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    Maybe I'm just hormonal but this made me cry. I walk on the path behind my house every single day. Most days I wear my sunglasses so I don't have to make eye contact. By the time I get home, my face is beet red and I'm sweaty. I keep waiting for the day it's as easy as everyone else makes it look.

    Thanks for this post. It's nice to know some people appreciate the efforts of others.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I'm really not sure how I feel about this.

    Wouldn't a "Guy out running and struggling............hey, you got this" be better than all that stuff in the middle that just sounds like shaming disguised as a compliment?

    I don't really think in terms like this when I see other people working out. I get more fleeting thoughts of "I love seeing other people work out" but not all the schlepping and trudging business.

    But if it makes others feel good, then, um, yay, I guess.
    BIGGGMOMMMA Posts: 190
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376


    Is that David Tennant?
  • thewordwarrior
    Heck yeah it is! Best. Standing. Ovation. EVER.


    Is that David Tennant?
  • dying_2b_skin3
    love this!!
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I've never read something that was offensive in its attempt to be positive and uplifting. I get where it's coming from but at the same time, I can't stop shaking my head at it.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member


    Is that David Tennant?
    Heck yeah it is! Best. Standing. Ovation. EVER.

    He's sitting.
  • wrentrotter
    Snap, it also might be a bit stolen. Looks like someone has paraphrased this :
    and just made it a bit more offensive.

    I've never read something that was offensive in its attempt to be positive and uplifting. I get where it's coming from but at the same time, I can't stop shaking my head at it.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm really not sure how I feel about this.

    Wouldn't a "Guy out running and struggling............hey, you got this" be better than all that stuff in the middle that just sounds like shaming disguised as a compliment?

    I don't really think in terms like this when I see other people working out. I get more fleeting thoughts of "I love seeing other people work out" but not all the schlepping and trudging business.

    But if it makes others feel good, then, um, yay, I guess.

    I think it is okay. The statement doesn't make sense unless you acknowledge the struggle and the stereotype. And, really, the sentiment is not intended to buoy up someone who runs and is heavy, it is to remind the rest of us being judgmental is wrong and stupid.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    There is a really large man at the gym who works out religiously, every morning as the gym opens, he is the clutching onto that treadmill.

    He can easily outrun me (seriously) and I smile to myself every time I see him. I have this urge to go up to him, pat him on the back and tell him what a motivation he is but I think it might come across creepy and patronizing.