I want to cry - a million day ones

I feel like I can't do this. This is the single most important thing I can do in my life and I can't do it. I started this in march and did awesome for about a month and then lost 10lbs, then I started making excuse after excuse and the weight came back plus a little more and...god dammit...

Every single day I start so determined to do this and change my life. Then later on something always happens. What the hell is wrong with me? How can I be so determined one second and a couple hours later I forget all that and eat something bad? I've failed so many times I feel like I'm losing hope for myself. I feel like that dream I have everyday of what I would look like skinny is more and more and dream and less and less realistic. I don't even know why I try anymore. I've wasted my 20's and now I'm on track do to the same in my 30's


  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I feel like I can't do this. This is the single most important thing I can do in my life and I can't do it. I started this in march and did awesome for about a month and then lost 10lbs, then I started making excuse after excuse and the weight came back plus a little more and...god dammit...

    Every single day I start so determined to do this and change my life. Then later on something always happens. What the hell is wrong with me? How can I be so determined one second and a couple hours later I forget all that and eat something bad? I've failed so many times I feel like I'm losing hope for myself. I feel like that dream I have everyday of what I would look like skinny is more and more and dream and less and less realistic. I don't even know why I try anymore. I've wasted my 20's and now I'm on track do to the same in my 30's

    I find it helps to get over the good food/bad food idea. It's all food, some of it might be more healthy, but it still fuels your body. You have to find a way to have what you like, just keep it within your calorie goal. If you want to eat chocolate have it. Save some calories for it or having a smaller serving of nicer chocolate. If it fits into your calories for the day and you want it, eat it and don't feel guilty.

    Make small changes. Don't try to do a complete overhaul of your life in a few days. You can do it, just small steps.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Success is getting up one more time than you fell down. Just keep dragging yourself back up, and you can never have been said to fail.

    I'm a classic for starting out great and falling over by dinner. But you know what? For every better-considered breakfast and lunch I have before going back to old habits for dinner are 2 meals in which I did better.

    Life can get in the way. Sometimes it seems its actually out to get you, but you can do this, for you. Try writing down your plan for the day. Tick the boxes. Reward yourself (not with food!!) when you make milestones, no matter how minor. Be good to yourself and check in here often.
  • megabyt23
    megabyt23 Posts: 580 Member
    I think the hard part is just remembering that this drastic change isn't going to happen overnight or in a week...I always start seriously working out...stick with it for a couple of months...and then I get busy/tired with work, school, etc. I think the biggest mistake you can make is that when you have a bad day, don't completely give up! It's just one day. Just try to improve the next day. Have people that help hold you accountable! You can do it! :)
  • rwc4912
    rwc4912 Posts: 35 Member
    Bro, you can do it.
    Just sent a friend request
    I'm 43 and just this past April I was at 285
    Made every bad choice in the book, crappy will power...you name it.
    Check my diary, I try to improve every day
    Just change one thing a week and stick to it.
    First thing I did was dump all soda, it was the bane of my existence.
    I still indulge a bit but nothing like before
    By no means am I eating completely clean but I eat smaller meals, more often, and better quality foods through the day and treat myself only occasionally.
    That and I work out with martial arts twice a week and I got my backside running 3 times a week using the c25k iPhone app (it works too)

    Fast forward 8 weeks and I'm down 30 lbs and doing well, we all slip now and then.
    Take it one day at a time.
    I did look at your diary and I might suggest some fruits and veggies....and shoot for 3-400 cal breakfasts, a mid mornings mall snack of 1-200 calls. Lunch at or near 500, a mid snack at another 200 or so...and the rest for dinner.

    I find when I pile on a big meal and fast the rest of the day I do not get good results.
    I struggle too but I push through it as best I can, when I do stumble I'm damn sure I follow it up with 1-2 good days

    You can do it....don't get discouraged.
    Small changes, pick one thing a week.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I feel like I can't do this. This is the single most important thing I can do in my life and I can't do it. I started this in march and did awesome for about a month and then lost 10lbs, then I started making excuse after excuse and the weight came back plus a little more and...god dammit...

    Every single day I start so determined to do this and change my life. Then later on something always happens. What the hell is wrong with me? How can I be so determined one second and a couple hours later I forget all that and eat something bad? I've failed so many times I feel like I'm losing hope for myself. I feel like that dream I have everyday of what I would look like skinny is more and more and dream and less and less realistic. I don't even know why I try anymore. I've wasted my 20's and now I'm on track do to the same in my 30's

    I find it helps to get over the good food/bad food idea. It's all food, some of it might be more healthy, but it still fuels your body. You have to find a way to have what you like, just keep it within your calorie goal. If you want to eat chocolate have it. Save some calories for it or having a smaller serving of nicer chocolate. If it fits into your calories for the day and you want it, eat it and don't feel guilty.

    Make small changes. Don't try to do a complete overhaul of your life in a few days. You can do it, just small steps.

    This. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Every time you stop yourself from making an unhealthy choice, that's a step. Every time you make a healthy choice, that's another. Don't forbid yourself foods, just watch portion sizes. Measure everything and log everything. If you go over one day, forgive yourself, log it and do better from that point on. It can be done, and you can do it. Good luck.
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    I have affirmations taped up all over my house. A few of them are " If you are tired of starting over, stop giving up" , and " Are you doing today what you will be proud of tomorrow". Also, "Will you look back a year ago today, and wish you would have told yourself to keep going?". Every day is a new day, a new chance to start over. You can do this. One day at a time!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member

    I find it helps to get over the good food/bad food idea.


    I agree with this 1000%. I know in the past when I thought of food as good or bad, I felt good or bad based on what I was eating and it's crazy to pass judgement on ourselves like that over food. I think there are SOOOO many people on MFP (me included) who have had a million day ones. But you are here and that is awesome, it shows you have it in you to try a million and one times. You can totally do it!

  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    I think you're restricting yourself too quick.
    Start out eating whatever you want but within your calories (What is your calorie intake set to btw?).
    Usually when you do this, you quickly realize what calories are worth it and what arent. Instead of drinking 400 calories of Coke or Pepsi, you'd rather save those for a real meal.. Instead of skimping calories for dessert, you'd rather indulge in that juicy medium-rare steak.
    You can eat fast foods.. You can eat sweets.. Just stay under your calorie goal. :wink:
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    It's overwhelming to change everything all at once. Try changing one thing at a time instead. Don't forbid yourself the foods you like forever, just cut back on them.
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    I feel like I can't do this. This is the single most important thing I can do in my life and I can't do it. I started this in march and did awesome for about a month and then lost 10lbs, then I started making excuse after excuse and the weight came back plus a little more and...god dammit...

    Every single day I start so determined to do this and change my life. Then later on something always happens. What the hell is wrong with me? How can I be so determined one second and a couple hours later I forget all that and eat something bad? I've failed so many times I feel like I'm losing hope for myself. I feel like that dream I have everyday of what I would look like skinny is more and more and dream and less and less realistic. I don't even know why I try anymore. I've wasted my 20's and now I'm on track do to the same in my 30's

    Its hard...trust me that is something I am very clear on. I am also in my 30's and I have been working at this for two years. Make small changes that you can live with. Starting out you don't need to be all or nothing. You are making a lifestyle change not just going on a diet!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Fail to plan, Plan to fail.
    I find the key for me is being organised. If I don't have the food around me prepared or on hand I go for the bad stuff.
    Get support from other people who are in the same boat as you.
    Dust yourself off & get up, even if it is again & again. Look at all the inspirational people on MFP. You can do it :flowerforyou:
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    I think you're restricting yourself too quick.
    Start out eating whatever you want but within your calories (What is your calorie intake set to btw?).
    Usually when you do this, you quickly realize what calories are worth it and what arent. Instead of drinking 400 calories of Coke or Pepsi, you'd rather save those for a real meal.. Instead of skimping calories for dessert, you'd rather indulge in that juicy medium-rare steak.
    You can eat fast foods.. You can eat sweets.. Just stay under your calorie goal. :wink:

    I agree with this totally!
  • debbieb1971
    debbieb1971 Posts: 29 Member
    All of the above posts are so true. You need to make small changes and don't feel like you're depriving yourself. I've started over so many times I've lost count, and I can honestly say that if it hadn't been for the support I've received on MFP over the last few days, then I would probably have given up again.

    I've not lost any weight for the last two and a half weeks, but I measured myself last night and I've lost 2 inches from around my rib cage and half a centimetre from other parts of my body. I've took on board all the advice I've been given and i'm incorporating them into my eating plan.

    I'm in my 40s now and I don't want to look back in a years time with regret that I give up yet again.

    Don't be afraid to ask for help off people on here, the majority of people on here have been exactly where you are now so know exactly how you're feeling.

    Good Luck x
  • Balance_Breathe
    Hey there. I'm 58 years old and you don't want to know how many day ones I've had. You may feel like you're so old, but I'd give anything to be back at your age and not live my whole adult life as an obese person, having it restrict everything I do, having it affect my relationships or even change who I ended up with, affecting my career, setting a bad example for my daughter and not being the mom she deserved-- all of it.

    These people above who advised you not to be too rigid about it are spot on. The only thing that has ever worked for me is just letting myself eat whatever I want, but counting. Pick a not-too-low number of calories, and think of the calories as the money you have to spend on any given day, and once the money is gone, it's gone. Like that one person said, you start getting to where certain things just don't seem worth the calories. At least that is what's happening with me.

    And THEN, the thing is, it changes from something being imposed on you to a CHOICE you're making, which is a lot more empowering.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I feel like I can do this. This is the single most important thing I can do in my life and I can do it. I started this in march and did awesome for about a month and then lost 10lbs, then I started making excuse after excuse and the weight came back plus a little more and...god loves me anyway...

    Every single day I start so determined to do this and change my life. Then later on something sometimes happens (not always because otherwise I wouldn't have had that 10 lb success). What the hell is going on lately with me? How can I be so determined one second and a couple hours later I forget all that and eat something less healthy? I've started so many times I feel like I'm losing hope for myself sometimes (but then time passes and I feel re-energized and excited again) . I feel like that dream I have everyday of what I would look like skinny is more and more realistic and less and less a dream . I don't even know why I try the impossible or the difficult anymore, I will just do what I can. I've wasted my 20's and now I'm not about do to the same in my 30's
    fixed it for you.

    Also created your new thread title for your progress pics and success threads.

    " I want to cry. A million day ones eventually led to success one day at a time.":flowerforyou:
  • svelt123
    svelt123 Posts: 173 Member
    Yes, You CAN!.. YOU ARE DOING IT RIGHT NOW!. You are asking MFP members for support. You are still on track. We all have episodes like this. What it wonderful is that You Know what you are doing to yourself is not healthy and you care.
    You just need some motivation and new skills to help you.
    Keep reading and you will find the support that will help you.
    NEVER QUIT! You will surely regret it if you do!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'll try to help you too as much as I can. NEVER give up! We all have our issues but if we don't give up we'll get there eventually right?
  • Balance_Breathe
    MyChocolateDiet-- you are spot on!! That almost made me cry.

    Oh, I thought of something else, too. If you find yourself getting all caught up in all that protein-carb-fat stuff, just get rid of those categories and keep only the calorie tracking. Takes it down to its simplest form. I know for myself I can get easily sidetracked with the need to be perfect with stuff that is really just kind of peripheral and unimportant. :drinker:
  • BeTheFire
    BeTheFire Posts: 102 Member
    I feel (as do a few others on here) that I have a few tidbits of advice that would help you through your process. I read your post about no results, and I'll tell you what I found most helpful to me, oddly, is inconvenience. I didn't misspeak, again, inconvenience.

    What I mean by that, is to change my thought process, I had to make food choices and changes the forefront of my mind, and to do so, I would place my lunchbox in front of the door, so there was no way I'd forget to make it, and since I was going to make it, might as well pack good stuff. To ease that transformation in the beginning, I ate the junk I was used to eating, and slowly phased it out of my house as I went grocery shopping over the course of a month or so. Slow, steady changes. That's just one example.

    The other is that lunch box is my food ration for the day; I try to only eat what comes out of it. I take it everywhere in a backpack with me. I don't live by that religiously, in fact I probably cheat 2 days a week! However I still see results, because of my access and dedication to MFP. Fill out the "about me" section, friend people with public food diaries, make this a pit stop you frequent 5 or 6 times a day, and trust me, you'll develop keen relationships with the support these perfect strangers will give you. I log everything that passes my lips, and if I go over, tomorrow is another day.

    My weight loss is a paltry 15 pounds, and I've only lost 5 in 3 months. I've admittedly been dragging my feet, and I could do better. But I feel content with results, and I don't have to kill myself to get them, and I continuously dial in and fine tune those habits to make myself stronger.

    This community loves to see progress at any speed, as long as you progress.