adjusting goal weight?

My prepregnancy weight was 105 (I'm petite) and I'm currently 113. I look good yet deep down I would love to get back there. I feel I'm being dumb and unrealistic. Or am I?


  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    Eh, only time will tell if you are unrealistic :) Better than putting it on a realistic/unrealistic continuum might be to be curious about what 105 signifies to you ABOUT you. Then you can decide if it's dumb or not :)
  • ashockofpink
    ashockofpink Posts: 7 Member
    Or you can start off by splitting the difference and shoot for 109! Your body just did some badass stuff. You're not being dumb for wanting to be at your prepregnancy weight but, depending on a billion factors, the extra pounds might not just melt off. 113 is not bad for a petite lady. I'm sure you're a sexy mama - congratulations :smiley: !!!
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    Was 105 a healthy weight for your height, age and frame size before ?

    Most charts will indicate that this is only true if you are small framed and 5' - 5' 2" or shorter.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    It might be OK, depending on your height.
    When I first started losing weight, I thought my goal would be 115, because I thought that was the best I could expect "at my age" and post child. Once I started really focusing on weight loss and fitness though, I found that I would be able to go below that. Even though I haven't been under 110 since college, my goal is now a maintenance range of 105-110. I'm 5'0" and down to 116. While I am content where I am clothed, I want to be 40 and rocking a bikini, so another 10 lbs or so and continued heavy lifting it is!