Been here before ...

I've been on MFP for quite a while but have only been using it on and off. Not really committing. Not really knowing HOW to get started on this weight loss thing. I still don't! I've read so much around the subject that I'm completely confident that I know a hell of a lot about it :smile: and equally as confident that I still don't have a clue how to apply all that I know about it!

I'm in the unfortunate position of not really having any friends to share this with (my hubby is not a sociable person and so I don't get out much except to work) and my hubby just doesn't think any diet is going to work unless he wants to do it. He wants to do the Atkins diet as it's the only one he's ever lost weight on but I just can't afford to buy loads of meat!

Hey ho, hopefully I'll find a way to shed all the extra lbs (over 100) that I need to in order to get to a more healthy weight.

Love to hear from other people and how they manage their weight loss. Expecially if they can do it while battling depression too!


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Welcome :]

    You say you have the knowledge so what is stopping you from applying this to your lifestyle? There are a lot of complicated explanations on here with regards to the weight loss progress and it can be really intimidating, I totally get that. It really doesn't have to be difficult though, I promise you that.

    In my honest opinion, the Atkins diet is just a complicated way of eating at a calorie deficit. I have no doubt in my mind that it works and I applaud anyone who has had success with it but ask yourself this, how sustainable is an eating plan that only really allows a load of meat? It's just not realistic.

    My advice to you would be, find out how many calories you should be eating per day to lose weight and stick to them. You can eat ANYTHING you like. Track it using the app if this helps you (it helps me hugely) and you absolutely will lose weight. It really is as simple and as straightforward as that.

    Wishing you the best of luck.