Didnt drop any weight this week.

heber426 Posts: 17 Member
edited September 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
So my daily intake is 1500 cals. To drop 2lbs according to MFP. I been eating around 1300 to 1450. Also i been on the treadmill for 100 minutes everyday. I lost 4 lbs my 1st week(last week). This week i lost 0..


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited September 2015
    Weight loss isn't linear, you can't expect to lose weight every week. Some you'll lose, some you'll stay the same, some you'll gain. Especially if you're weighing weekly and not daily (as you won't know when you're fluctuating). You've gotta keep going for a few weeks and look at the overall trend. So far you've lost 4lbs in 2 weeks, so an average of 2lbs/week, which is what you're aiming for.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. You will not lose weight every week.

    But also, eat at least 1500 calories if you are truly and accurately tracking your calories and eating only 1300 to 1450. Eating that little is silly. Worse than silly but I'm trying to be nice.
  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    It's not going to happen all at once. Keep at it and the weight will come off. Been there before and it always happens if you stay disciplined.
  • pstegman888
    pstegman888 Posts: 286 Member
    Don't get discouraged! Stick with it. You still averaged 2 lbs per week, so you are right on target. Make sure you continue to log accurately, and that your calorie deficit/weight loss rate is reasonable for your starting weight and final weight goal. You can do it!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    As others have said, weight loss isn't linear. Most people bounce around from week to week and it's the overall average that counts. Most people will also lose a lot more the first week than they can/will later because the change in diet often triggers a release of excess water from the body. Here's a good look at the different things that can cause your weight loss to stall.

    (Chart created by @lemonlionheart)


    Here's a great post about keeping a food diary that might offer some insight: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10191216/the-most-important-thing-you-can-do-to-lose-weight

    If you still have questions, please ask.
  • Ree13x
    Ree13x Posts: 46 Member
    another thought. your body might be retaining water (stress can do that along with any number of other things). The scale is a good tool, but it can't tell you how many of those pounds are fat, how many are muscle, and how many are due to water retention.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Be patient
    Stick to it
    Don't quit
  • heber426
    heber426 Posts: 17 Member
    True. Thank you all very much
    Gotta stay motivated n go at it. Thanks

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Can you open your diary? Additionally, the MINIMUM your intake as a male should be, is 1500 calories.
  • heber426
    heber426 Posts: 17 Member
    edited September 2015
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Can you open your diary? Additionally, the MINIMUM your intake as a male should be, is 1500 calories.

    Yes im staying within the 1450 to 1500 calrange. Give me a second. I will try n open diary.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    edited September 2015
    Okay, you need to use a food scale. 12 ounces of chicken are closer to 490 + calories (depending on how it was prepared), you have 390. 8 oz of an apple would be 118 calories, you have 3 for 168. You don't want to use generic entries, as they are inaccurate. Seriously, stop drinking your calories and eat some food. Lot's of meat, to help maintain muscle mass while you're losing.
    Additionally, your calorie burns are over inflated, although you're not using those at this time, that too will come into play later.
    Finally, a week is nothing and you're doing fantastic, but this will eventually catch up with you, so better to address it now. Good luck!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited September 2015
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Okay, you need to use a food scale. A 12 ounces of chicken are closer to 490 + calories (depending on how it was prepared), you have 390. 8 oz of an apple would be 118 calories, you have 3 for 168. You don't want to ue generic entries, as they are inaccurate. Seriously, stop drinking your calories and eat some food. Lot's of meat, to help maintain muscle mass while you're losing.
    Additionally, your calorie burns are over inflated, although you're not using those at this time, that too will come into play later.
    Finally, a week is nothing and you're doing fantastic, but this will eventually catch up with you, so better to address it now. Good luck!

    Yes, it sounds like you think are you eating 1450 to 1500 but are probably eating closer to 1800. In addition to the things that @Liftng4Lis pointed out, make sure you aren't using other people's "homemade" entries. You have no idea how they made their meal and it could be really far off. You can use the recipe builder to create your own (I keep mine private so they don't confuse other people) especially if it's something you make often.

    If you don't have one yet, buy a kitchen scale and use it as much as possible. Even peanut butter has a serving size in grams (usually 30g) and can be weighed. One of the benefits of that is that you don't dirty a measuring spoon! And things like peanut butter, which are calorie dense, are even more important to be measured accurately since being off by 25% can have a big impact.
  • heber426
    heber426 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you both very much. I will do that.
  • heber426
    heber426 Posts: 17 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Okay, you need to use a food scale. 12 ounces of chicken are closer to 490 + calories (depending on how it was prepared), you have 390. 8 oz of an apple would be 118 calories, you have 3 for 168. You don't want to use generic entries, as they are inaccurate. Seriously, stop drinking your calories and eat some food. Lot's of meat, to help maintain muscle mass while you're losing.
    Additionally, your calorie burns are over inflated, although you're not using those at this time, that too will come into play later.
    Finally, a week is nothing and you're doing fantastic, but this will eventually catch up with you, so better to address it now. Good luck!

    So cal burns are over inflated. How do I get that accurate. 2hrs at 3.5 on the treadmill gives right over 2000,cals. So thats what MFA has listed, I need to figure this out.. thank you.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    heber426 wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Okay, you need to use a food scale. 12 ounces of chicken are closer to 490 + calories (depending on how it was prepared), you have 390. 8 oz of an apple would be 118 calories, you have 3 for 168. You don't want to use generic entries, as they are inaccurate. Seriously, stop drinking your calories and eat some food. Lot's of meat, to help maintain muscle mass while you're losing.
    Additionally, your calorie burns are over inflated, although you're not using those at this time, that too will come into play later.
    Finally, a week is nothing and you're doing fantastic, but this will eventually catch up with you, so better to address it now. Good luck!

    So cal burns are over inflated. How do I get that accurate. 2hrs at 3.5 on the treadmill gives right over 2000,cals. So thats what MFA has listed, I need to figure this out.. thank you.

    This is why most people only use half of the exercise burns. MFP is notorious for overestimating them. What are your stats?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Hold tight, I'm sending in a couple of guys that will be able to give you a better guesstimate.
  • heber426
    heber426 Posts: 17 Member
    edited September 2015
    I walked at 3.5 for 120 min. Im 5.7 251.
    The treadmill cal burns also reads at almost 2100 cals ,so I fihured the MFP was almost acurate. Thank you.
  • heber426
    heber426 Posts: 17 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Hold tight, I'm sending in a couple of guys that will be able to give you a better guesstimate.

    Thank you very much!!
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Hold tight, I'm sending in a couple of guys that will be able to give you a better guesstimate.


    What am I answering?
  • heber426
    heber426 Posts: 17 Member
    How many calories im burning per hour on a tread mill , at 3.5 speed. Im 43, 251lbs