Why am I gaining weight?



  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Call up yr pharmacist and ask about medication side effects, and also buy a food scale so that you can be certain how much you are eating and how many calories you are getting.

    If you ask me, WW are total fail in the long run anyway.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Sammy85x wrote: »
    RaddyWood wrote: »
    I've been on Amitryptaline for a year and boy have I put weight on! Apparently it can play around with your metabolism and the instruction leaflet that came with it say that Amitryptaline can make you gain or lose weight. I'm *only* on 30mg nightly for migraine and neuralgia but if I eat well I can maintain my weight. If I eat "normally" I.e. Around or above my recommended daily calorie intake for a woman I quickly put on. The MyFitnessPal progress chart really spikes last October when I started taking them! I am going to the gym and trying to cut out sugar as best I can and hopefully I'll start to lose weight bit by bit although it will be slower than it used to be before the tablets. I did WW a few years ago and although it did work to a degree I did put the weight back on. I think slimming clubs encourage us to eat the same types of foods that put the weight on in the first place, only in 'low calorie' versions. I'd rather eat full fat versions but in smaller amounts! I hope you manage to start losing again and don't give up!

    Thank you for your message. I do think the meds mad me worse with my eating habits. I have since weened myself off them but unfortunately may need to go back on them for my headaches as their still no better. I think with WW etc i think they do make you eat the same over and over again and personally i think the portions are too small for me. Thank you for the good luck, hope it goes well with you too x

    So, you have increased the portions since then, and wonder why you gained the weight back? because you are eating more. And the same will happen again, if you eat less again but plan to eat as you do currently when you reach your target weight. You need to figure out an eating plan you are happy with, does not make you feel hungry and can live with for a long time. Usually this means a choice between whatever you were eating but less of it, or changing your eating habits to eat foods that give less calories for more volume.
  • Madam65
    Madam65 Posts: 3 Member
    If you have an underlying health problem or you are taking medication that one of the side effects is weight gain you cannot correct that with deficit eating.You will add another problem, deficiency in nutrients. Do you know why you are having the headaches? If you can find the root cause and correct it that would help. Otherwise you will go from one medication to the other trying to stop the headaches. You may also consider googling MigraSpray. It is all natural. Good Luck