Motivational People ADD ME!

Age: 25
SW: 270
CW: 220
Goal: 200

I have lost 50 pounds since I have made the decision to change my lifestyle back in February. I was at a 170+ day streak then lost it because I was super busy and didn’t get a chance to log on day. Along with my lost streak I also lost the motivation to actually log. Here I am 3 pounds heavier 3 months later and I think it’s time to kick things back into high gear and lose this last 20 pounds (I regret not logging i would of been done by now *sad face*). I now have my home gym set up so I have been lifting consistently woohoo. Just need to find the motivation to run at least 3 times a week and everything should be smooth sailing. Looking for some motivational people to help me finish this strong :)
