Ladies! Your favourite jeans, and the sexiest and most attractive things about a mans looks/prsality

VanCity3215 Posts: 87 Member
Name them!

Favourite food, athletic activity, your favourite jeans and the sexiest things about a Mans looks and personality!


  • JSurita3
    JSurita3 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Sushi, slim fit, don't care about athletics, confident yet humble FINE men...yup!!!
  • jennmpantoja
    jennmpantoja Posts: 1,080 Member
    Smile! Good conversation & he better love sports!
  • riouxha
    riouxha Posts: 995 Member
    High waisted skinny jeans! And I love a man with a sense of humour and a sense of humility.
  • jbuzzed
    jbuzzed Posts: 10,172 Member
    Spinach dip, skinnies, swimming, his smile and he's funny.
  • MrsSylvie
    MrsSylvie Posts: 301 Member
    french crepes
    low-rise bubblegum skinny jeans
    eyes and a not overly bumpy muscled body.
    a confident manly man personality..
  • _SummerGirl_
    _SummerGirl_ Posts: 3,791 Member
    Favourite food: sushi

    athletic activity: lifting

    your favourite jeans: sevens

    sexiest things about a Mans looks and personality: jawline, chest...sense of humor
  • mhiggi02
    mhiggi02 Posts: 5,988 Member
    ......taking notes, please go on.....
  • jennmpantoja
    jennmpantoja Posts: 1,080 Member
    mhiggi02 wrote: »
    ......taking notes, please go on.....

    See there really is a list. We can go on & on. Lol!! Creativity is key. ;) Being kind, thoughtful & humble & cuddling is a plus.
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    Ok so
    -fave food is Pizza
    -fave jeans ripped straight legs low waist
    -sexiest thing about my man is his rugged look and the way he bites his lip.....mmmmm sexy as!!
    -personality I can't really describe it just he is who he is no bullshitting, straight down the line!
  • herrenmeg
    herrenmeg Posts: 7 Member
    Ice cream, squats, I don't wear jeans...only yoga pants, I love broad shoulders and he needs to be funny and intelligent!
  • VanCity3215
    VanCity3215 Posts: 87 Member
    Great answers!

    Love ice cream! Once and a while ;)
    I like squats.. I only train legs once per week and I usually focus a lot on quads (front squats and seated leg extensions)
    I can see why a woman would appreciate broad shoulders!

    Funny and intelligent are essential as well!

    Hope you're having a great week!
  • VanCity3215
    VanCity3215 Posts: 87 Member
    Ok so
    -fave food is Pizza
    -fave jeans ripped straight legs low waist
    -sexiest thing about my man is his rugged look and the way he bites his lip.....mmmmm sexy as!!
    -personality I can't really describe it just he is who he is no bullshitting, straight down the line!

    Pizza is amazing! Love the sounds of your fav jeans and weight training is my fav athletic activity as well! Yes!

    I personally don't bite my lip but... ;) haha.
    I'm sure there are MFP members that do!

    Your ideal personality type sounds great! In other words, mature.
  • VanCity3215
    VanCity3215 Posts: 87 Member
    mhiggi02 wrote: »
    ......taking notes, please go on.....

    See there really is a list. We can go on & on. Lol!! Creativity is key. ;) Being kind, thoughtful & humble & cuddling is a plus.

    Creativity.. I like that one! Kind, thoughtful and humble.. Those are all wonderful personality traits :)

    Who doesn't love to cuddle! :)
  • VanCity3215
    VanCity3215 Posts: 87 Member
    mhiggi02 wrote: »
    ......taking notes, please go on.....

    How're those notes coming along?! ;)
  • VanCity3215
    VanCity3215 Posts: 87 Member
    Favourite food: sushi

    athletic activity: lifting

    your favourite jeans: sevens

    sexiest things about a Mans looks and personality: jawline, chest...sense of humor

    Love sushi, lifting, sevens are awesome jeans, and I think I've got all of the above in terms of what you find attractive in a man! ;)

    Hope you're having a great week!
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    Ok so
    -fave food is Pizza
    -fave jeans ripped straight legs low waist
    -sexiest thing about my man is his rugged look and the way he bites his lip.....mmmmm sexy as!!
    -personality I can't really describe it just he is who he is no bullshitting, straight down the line!

    Pizza is amazing! Love the sounds of your fav jeans and weight training is my fav athletic activity as well! Yes!

    I personally don't bite my lip but... ;) haha.
    I'm sure there are MFP members that do!

    Your ideal personality type sounds great! In other words, mature.

    I already found my lip biter lol not looking for anymore
  • VanCity3215
    VanCity3215 Posts: 87 Member
    french crepes
    low-rise bubblegum skinny jeans
    eyes and a not overly bumpy muscled body.
    a confident manly man personality..

    YUM! Crepes!
    Racquetball is a lot of fun! Skinny jeans are always a win!

    What's an 'overly bumpy muscled body'?
    Do you mean a natural and proportioned physique?

    A confident manly man! Nice! :)
  • VanCity3215
    VanCity3215 Posts: 87 Member
    Ok so
    -fave food is Pizza
    -fave jeans ripped straight legs low waist
    -sexiest thing about my man is his rugged look and the way he bites his lip.....mmmmm sexy as!!
    -personality I can't really describe it just he is who he is no bullshitting, straight down the line!

    Pizza is amazing! Love the sounds of your fav jeans and weight training is my fav athletic activity as well! Yes!

    I personally don't bite my lip but... ;) haha.
    I'm sure there are MFP members that do!

    Your ideal personality type sounds great! In other words, mature.

    I already found my lip biter lol not looking for anymore

    Good job! :)

    Hopefully he's a keeper! :)
  • VanCity3215
    VanCity3215 Posts: 87 Member
    jsummd wrote: »
    Spinach dip, skinnies, swimming, his smile and he's funny.

    Spinach dip is delicious! Great answer! Skinny jeans always look great on ladies :)

    Smile and funny I hear a lot! I really appreciate a woman like a funny man!
  • VanCity3215
    VanCity3215 Posts: 87 Member
    riouxha wrote: »
    High waisted skinny jeans! And I love a man with a sense of humour and a sense of humility.

    Awesome answers! :) way to rock it!