vegan views, what are yours?



  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    you might be shocked to hear that the 3 students at uni are aged 42, 35 and 27 :)

    Whoops! See there I go, being old and grumpy again. ;)
  • you might be shocked to hear that the 3 students at uni are aged 42, 35 and 27 :)

    Whoops! See there I go, being old and grumpy again. ;)

    no my bad I should of said :)
  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member
    I am a vegan and can tell you that I do not share those views. My best friend just so happens to be a vegetarian transitioning into veganism, but that has nothing to do with our friendship. I will admit it's pretty awesome to have a friend so close that shares my beliefs, but if she didn't, I would love her just the same.

    To me, being vegan is like religion. It's something I practice because I don't believe animals were put on this earth for human consumption. I don't preach it to people, but if someone asks me about it, you better believe I can go on and on about it all day long! I try to keep preachiness to a minimum, but it's something I am truly passionate about.

    I don't judge others for not being vegan. Do I wish they would give it a chance? Yes. But I don't push it on them. I believe that a lot of people, if educated on factory farming, the meat industry, and the health benefits of being vegan, would convert. Unfortunately in our society (especially the souther US) being vegan is "bad", "weird", and "extreme" so no one wants to give it a chance and risk being labeled "malnourished" or "freak".

    It is surprisingly easy to be vegan, despite all of the stigmas associated with it.
  • yes I agree its easier to become vegan then people think. I live in the UK and there are a lot of options for people as Indian food is very popular here and at proper Indian restaurants the food is vegan. I eat meals from 'You are what you eat' book and most of this is vegan. I just find it surprising people are willing to close themselves off to others.
  • I am a vegetatarian and happy being so , but my children have chosen to eat meat which is really up to them to do as they please . When i was younger (much younger) and at college i was a vegan , I found it was the meat eaters who seemed to have a problem with my food choises than i did on theirs . I became vegan/vegetarian firstly as i wasnt happy with the way we were producing food and caring/transporting livestock ,but i must say it really is a healthy way to live . But it is the choise of everyone to live as they wish and no one should be attacked for their veiws .... but saying that we are human beings and judgement is one of our downfalls .... Happy dieting everyone :smile: