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I was looking for advice or motivation from fellow MFP members regarding a situation that gets so frustrating to me. When I first met my wife I was 20, 150lbs and 5' 2". She loved me and thought I was beautiful. Which I appreciate so much since I was so unhappy with the way that I looked. Over the past couple years I have lost weight and usually stay 2lbs+/- around 135. I have been lower, around 120, but I had just finished basic training and after about a year I was back up to 135. My wife has always been 5' 6" and between 115-125. We have a wonderful relationship, except her eating habits make me feel like I'm never going to get anywhere. I know it's not fair to blame her, which I don't completely I know I am an adult. I have love/hate relationship with food and frequently feel like I am a drug addict and food is my drug! My wife eats nothing throughout the day, except coffee, and then whatever she wants for dinner. I mean whatever. Having that food around me is so tempting! I eat my dinner around 530-630. My wife has some wine or drinks and eats around 8. I have gotten better but will still usually pick at whatever she has out in front of me. I have tried talking to her about it but she says that I'm too strict with myself and shouldn't worry about my weight. We rarely go out to dinner anymore because she says, "there's no point if you're just going to order a salad." I know she loves me as I am, but I just don't feel comfortable at the size I am at, especially when she is so thin. So I guess I am asking if anyone else is in a situation like this, what do you do??


  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    Stop comparing yourself to her. She's several inches taller than you and has a totally different approach to eating. Focus on being healthier rather than the number on the scale. Ask her to support your health and longevity, who's loved one doesn't want to support that?
    healthier you=longer life= more sex.

    Yes. Yes, I made this about sex;) LOL
  • VixPal1
    VixPal1 Posts: 14
    Stop comparing yourself to her. She's several inches taller than you and has a totally different approach to eating. Focus on being healthier rather than the number on the scale. Ask her to support your health and longevity, who's loved one doesn't want to support that?
    healthier you=longer life= more sex.

    Yes. Yes, I made this about sex;) LOL

    Hah well more sex is always good!