Anyone Wanna Podcast?

OK, I'll admit it. I'm addicted to 2 and Geekery.

With MFP, Fitbit, and my family's support, I'm doing well with food (friend me for Diary access), and my goal is to lose a total of 100#. I've used the site before with moderate success, but I know that this go-round I'm going to stick to it and get back to a physical shape that a man of my stature should be.

Geekery....well, that's another problem. I'm not giving that up. I'm 43, and my first computer was a TI-994a. I love all things tech, and since 2005 I've been casually creating podcasts for myself, slowly growing my compliment of gadgets in that realm. I'm just an aggressive amateur, and I was thinking that it might be fun, and maybe motivating, to start a weekly podcast with someone here at MFP who was on a weight loss journey like me.

I have web-space available and am looking for someone to join me weekly over skype (audio only) for a brief chat about our personal journey with food, exercise, and weight-loss. Maybe it just helps us, or maybe we help a few other folks along the way.

If you're interested in participating in a podcast, friend me and/or message me. I don't have any's an open call.

Thanks for reading