Need help to lose gained weight while injured

So..I'm hoping someone on here has suggestions (viable ones) to lose weight while in a walking boot, for posterior tibial tendinitis? I was an aerobics instructor up until this started, now i'm finding it an intense struggle to decrease my diet to one that subtracts 1200-2400 calories a week. (to account for my lack of working out)...Pretty upset about it, I had lost 100 pounds, now I'm up 25 and i'm beside myself.... any suggestions (except:from a-holes/ or people who think they are funny) are appreciated.


  • gillorwil
    gillorwil Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I'm 3 weeks in to a broken foot (non weight bearing ), so can understand your frustrations. Firstly, i adjusted my expectations. I'm not going to have the same rate of progress as before so right now I'll be happy with maintaining my weight. To my delight I've actually lost 1 kg in 3 weeks, which is slow but I'm relieved I'm not gaining.

    When you're injured you need to focus on getting better. That means good nutrition. Listen to your body. Eat when hungry. Rest when in pain. Avoid comfort eating and putting crap junk food in your body, but generally dont stress too much about calories. Sleep and rest a lot. And when you can try do to some activity. Things like body weight exercises/pilates that i can do on my knees or back are working for me. Ive also been using my crutches and hopping up the flights of stairs in my building as cardio. Arm work outs are also pretty effective, find some weights and get moving, find your weak spots. I've been using my heart rate monitor to track all of this. I never get my heart rate as high as with my normal workouts, so i just double up on the time and am happy with this as a temporary replacement.

    I'll get upgraded to partial weight bearing tomorrow which means out of the cast and into a walking boot. I'm going to ask my doc if swimming will be allowed at some point (impossible at the moment in a cast).

    Hope that helps. You just have to get creative and be kind to yourself and patient. And when in doubt check with your doc.

    Good luck & please share any ideas you come up with! :)