Scale recomendations

I am unhappy with my current scale. I have an Eatsmart Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale. I have been using it for 8 weeks now and I have wondered how accurate it was, and now I'm pretty sure it's not working properly. I weighted in at the doctor's office last week at 394lbs and today at home I got 401 on my scale.

Even if I logged incorrectly this week I would have had to misreport by nearly 4000 calories a day to gain 7lbs instead of losing an expected 3lbs. (BMR*7 + 3500*7- Calories Logged)

But back to my original question, does anyone have a recommendation for a good scale that can handle 400lbs?


  • Artemiris
    Artemiris Posts: 189 Member
    I am sorry, I don't know any particular good scale, BUT I just wanted to tell you that it is not so important that the scale is perfectly accurate in measuring the initial weight as long as it is accurate in measuring the correct weight you lose.

    I don't care if my scale is +/- 5 kg wrong, the important thing is that I weigh myself only on that scale so that I can track my progress.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    When I weighed at the doctors 4 months back - I was 153. I weighed the following morning as soon as I woke up and I was 157. I just went with the bigger reading to be on the safe side! :D

    I wouldn't suggest shelling out loads of money for scales - these are just a guide to keep us on track and there are plenty of better tracking methods (buy a tape measure too!). But if you are going to purchase one, I'd recommend the Weight Watchers brand scales. Very accurate and mine was around £29.