not getting enough protein



  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    You haven't said how much protein you are getting or how much you are trying to get.

    You only need 0.8g/kg for protein (average person, USDAA recommendation). That isn't a lot and is relatively easy to get. If you are a male who weighs 175lb and eats 2500 calories to maintain, that is only 64g of protein, or ~11% of your diet. If you are a 120lb female who eats 1700 calories, that is 44g of protein or still ~11% of your diet.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Even if you don't lift weights etc protein is a very important macro for maintaining your lean muscle mass. For such a low calorie consumption like yourself you want to maintain as much muscle as possible while you are dieting. The more muscle you maintain, the more efficiently you will burn calories at rest. I don't really know much about how Vegans get their protein, but if you can drink vegan friendly shakes then that would seem like problem solved. High protein and fairly low calories per shake. Protein shakes are also quite filling.
  • cndkendrick
    cndkendrick Posts: 138 Member
    No, I would not worry about being "under proteined". Try reading Rip Esselstyn's My Beef With Meat.