Bariatric Surgery

I am in the pre-op stages of my journey and need a place to talk to people daily. Anyone out there already had surgery, or right here with me, please join in my forum?


  • NatashaPorter
    NatashaPorter Posts: 7 Member
    I have come and go from myfitness pal with no support. Now I recorded four days of the pre-op diet on here, and started walking around my building three times a day. I would appreciate any tips, or after surgery advice, etc. to help my journey.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I haven't had the surgery but I do notice that with MFP about 25-30% of my friends leave comments or likes. I'm busy at work all day too so try to look at as many of my friends' diaries as I can fit in. Keep working on getting friends who have been through surgery, and recognize that only a small portion of your friends will post, and usually it's the ones that you've been supporting in their journey for weeks or longer. It takes some time to build a two way supportive circle but you'll get there!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I haven't had the surgery but started on this journey with that intent. I know people who have had it done and have been successful at it.

    From what I've learned - best tips starting out include:
    1 - log everything
    2 - focus on protein. Whenever you go to get something to eat - pick your protein first. A nutritionist once told me if you focus on the protein the fat/carbs take care of themselves, and she was right.
    3 - Fiber fiber fiber
    4 - Water water water.

    Good luck!!
  • mikmar53
    mikmar53 Posts: 1 Member
    I am scheduled for the Sleeve surgery on October 1st , and really am starting to question whether I should have it or not. two years ago I had gone through the whole process and then cancelled the surgery after talking to a nurse at my work about not choosing that group of physicians. So here I am two years later have gone through the process with a wonderful doctor and still questioning if I'm doing the right thing. what are your thoughts?
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    For me, as long as I could question whether or not I should, I didn't. Once there was no other option other than dying, I did it.

    The surgery doesn't negate all of the other lessons... CICO, exercise, portion control, accurate logging, avoiding trigger foods, learning to say "no" to food offers, nutrition education. All those still apply. If you do all of that perfectly and don't lose weight, then look at the medical profile. If it's not medical or dying is the only option, look at surgery. Lots of stuff should come first. Lots of it.
  • chgonzalez1978
    chgonzalez1978 Posts: 114 Member
    I had the sleeve on April 23. I have lost 80lbs since then but still looking to lose another 20. I'm looking ideas and vise versa
  • 1flymom3
    1flymom3 Posts: 15 Member
    I am very familiar with the weight loss surgeries and I know many people with it. Just make sure you are doing this for health reasons and not cosmetic because it helps you change your life but its not a life changer. What I mean is you still have to monitor your diet exercise, take vitamins and make sure you stay in contact with your surgeon and nutritionist. It is a journey a wonderful journey if you go with the understanding that this is just a step in a long process. Learn good habits now, do all the things you will need to do post op as well as in pre op. Its not as easy as people think and everyone has their own issues. I wish you the best and a safe surgery Natasha and it sounds like you are already exercising and watching your intake. Watch your carbs definitely before and after surgery. Don't stop exercising after your surgery after you heal of course because that is crucial. Try to build muscle tone to offset the extra fat or excess skin some people find themselves left with (depends on your shape and size). Either way I'm happy that you have decided to make a life change, just remember its a LIFE CHANGE. It doesn't stop after surgery. Feel free to add me as your friend if needed. Take care!
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    I've been considering bariatric surgery for about a year or so and have been attending the bariatric surgery support group meetings at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore to gain more insight into it. Also been working on getting all the insurance requirements out of the way but could not get all of it done before summer ended so I've delayed that surgery until next summer (easier to be off work in summer and have support at home from family during the summer). In the mean time, I'll continue to see how my diet progresses here with MyFitnessPal until next summer & decide at that time whether I'll go through with it or not. I had lost about 56 pounds on my own from March 1 through May 26 of this year, then got "addicted" to Quest Protein bars (which led to other appetite-stimulating foods like bread & pizza) and ended up gaining back about 39 pounds by August 19th when I started MyFitnessPal and finally got myself back on track again losing 23 (as of today) of the 39 pounds I had gained & getting my blood sugars under much better control (I'm diabetic) which really helped reduce my cravings for the "wrong" foods. I figure I have plenty of time & can see how things work out (diet wise) from now until next summer before finalizing my decision regarding bariatric surgery. I think I'll also join that "bariatric surgery" group that 2Poufs mentioned to stay informed with others who may be in the same situation as I am.
  • StacyMaksin
    StacyMaksin Posts: 1 Member
    Scheduled for sleeve surgery end of October looking to lose about 120 pounds.. Anyone out there in the pre surgery mode
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I would search the group section to fing a wls support group. I haven't had one ,but know there is support group available for those who have
  • 4mydogs
    4mydogs Posts: 66 Member
    I had sleeve surgery on 12/3/14, I am 48 yrs old and have lost 120 pounds so far. I am happy to answer any questions anyone has. For me it has been a great experience
  • LaceyBirds
    LaceyBirds Posts: 451 Member
    mikmar53 wrote: »
    I am scheduled for the Sleeve surgery on October 1st , and really am starting to question whether I should have it or not. two years ago I had gone through the whole process and then cancelled the surgery after talking to a nurse at my work about not choosing that group of physicians. So here I am two years later have gone through the process with a wonderful doctor and still questioning if I'm doing the right thing. what are your thoughts?

    Your profile says you have 70 pounds to lose - is that the total amount? I started this process with about 95-100 pounds to lose. I will be 60 in less than two months, lost 21 pounds in about 6 or 7 months starting last summer, eating unhealthily and not sticking to it faithfully. In mid-April this year, I discovered MFP, have logged every day and logged all foods and beverages since then, and have now lost a total of 50 pounds, 29 using MFP, and am averaging about 5.5 pounds per month. I started walking a month ago, but chronic illness does not always allow for that, so my weight loss comes mainly from what I eat. I have no qualms at all that I will be able to lose the other 45 or so pounds, because over the last five months this has become a habit and I am determined to lose the weight.

    I have had IBS and other intestinal ailments since I was about 20 years old, and every time I see these threads, I wish people could experience my life for a couple of weeks before they choose this surgery. I can guarantee you that I would never do anything to mess with my digestive system - it has made my life pretty miserable. Sure, some people have no problems, but lots of others do. You can lose this weight, just as I and so many others have, without surgery, using MFP. It will require time, patience, and, most of all, discipline. You have to just make up your mind that you are going to do it, and then discipline yourself to see it through. It will take time, lots of time, but as others here say, the time is going to pass anyway, you might as well pass it by doing something to make yourself healthier.

    Losing weight by using MFP faithfully and consistently is a fairly simple process once you get used to weighing and recording your food, but it isn't necessarily easy. Again, something has to click in your brain, and you have to make it a priority. You will have difficult days, but once you get this down to a science, it will get easier, and you will see progress, even if it isn't as quick as you would like.

    I hope you will reconsider your surgery and give MFP a chance.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Hi, I've passed my one year anniversary from surgery and it was a life changer for sure.

    The first few months meals were very small. I ate slowly and stopped at the first sign of discomfort. I called my stomach my "six month old baby", and introduction of new foods was very similar.

    It will be harder to get fluids in and never at meals so get used to carrying a water bottle with you.
  • mdivito2008
    mdivito2008 Posts: 6 Member
    I am at the beginning stages of have the sleeve .. I have been cleared by the dietician, and psychologist .. Waiting on a few more things , will have surgery in December. I have followed my dietician' goals and have been faithfully staying between 1150-1250 calories a day with 3 gym workouts per week.. I have found focusing on food with high protein is a great way to stay full.. Saying no to food is getting easier! Hang in there you can do it
  • NatashaPorter
    NatashaPorter Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all for talking with me! There is some good information here, and I appreciate it all. I am doing it for my health and my son. I will keep looking at your posts for support too. I not good at computers so I haven't got the add friends thing right, but you all are welcome to. Keep up the good work my fellow pre-op folks, and thanks for those in post op for your advice. I think everyone is different in their opinions about right or wrong to do the surgery, I have my own pro and con list. But the pros outweigh my cons, so I moving foreward. Still need to meet with the surgeon and dietician.
  • NatashaPorter
    NatashaPorter Posts: 7 Member
    So I have tried this lifestyle change of eating three shakes, one veggie and one dinner daily, I was loosing one pound daily. But I was getting too light headed. I was told to eat two meals two shakes and make sur e veggie and protein in both meals, I have lost no weight. Any ideas about a compromise between the two to help aide weight loss but not be under calorie for light headedness?
  • Nina_2723
    Nina_2723 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there. I am currently 4 weeks post op, and still think it was the best decision I have made fr myself in years. It was a decision 5 years in the making. I am currently seeking friends on here to trade stories, tips and advice and support. If you are interested feel free to send me a message or chat on the forum. I am returning to MFP after being away for a long time so I am getting used to the way things have changed.
  • NatashaPorter
    NatashaPorter Posts: 7 Member
    I ate really bad today; I feel terrible! have any of you fallen off the bandwagon?