Hit a wall =/

I've been (trying) to lose weight for 4 weeks, During the first two I lost 7lbs but since then I have gained back 3lbs!
Over the whole 4 weeks I have lost 2inches off my waist and hips and one from each thigh.
I cant be sure when the inches were lost and I understand "muscle weighs more than fat", but is there any other reason that I could be gaining? like, my body becoming used to a deficit in calories or my work-out needing a bit of a shake-up?

Im confused, weight-loss isnt as easy as they make it out to be =/


  • ptbrien
    ptbrien Posts: 2
    If it has been 4 weeks, you need to change your workout Are you doing resistance exercises (weights)? WHat is your heart rate when doing "cardio"? A lot plays into it. Check out your local gyms and ask around to find a GOOD personal trainer.
  • Becky_Boop
    Becky_Boop Posts: 96
    I'm currently doing mostly cardio, around 20-30minutes on the cross trainer, 20-30 minutes on the bikes/running and 10-15 on the rowing maching. Sometimes more each day, sometimes less, it depends what I have time for. I'm doing gentle weights for my legs and my biceps (though they seem to have NO strength).

    I don't know how I can change it too much, I go to a very small gym, so equipment is limited (and usually taken). And being a studet, I really cant afford a personal trainer, (unless they made me a plan to follow so I didnt have to see them too often, but I doubt they will).
  • allred_76
    allred_76 Posts: 5
    If you are seeing inches you are seeing a very positive sign. Remember a pound is a pound so muscle does NOT weigh more than fat. Fat just is not as compact as muscle. You could be gaining muscle that will help you speed up your metabolism (muscle doesn't automatically "eat" away the fat, so the 2 could be living side by side for awhile). Don't give up you are seeing positive results!!!
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    could you be retaining water? TOM?
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    The only advice I can give you is based on my personal observation. I've been dieting/exercising for 10 months now. I've hit "walls" every few weeks. I change absolutely nothing, eating wise exercise wise, and just keep going. After a few weeks the "wall" breaks and I loose fast for a week or 2 till i hit another "wall." I think that's just the way that some of us loose weight. The week or 2 or 3 at the same weight isn't your body holding onto fat, cause then there'd be no way you could loose it suddenly after you break through. It's just our contrary bodies protesting and holding onto water as an evil way to trick us into thinking that all this good eating isn't doing anything and trick us into eating bad and sitting around again. :-)

    Hang in there. Keep measuring. And don't fall for your evil bodies tricks. You know you're doing the right thing, just keep doing it and you'll get to there. :-)

  • xxquzme
    xxquzme Posts: 157 Member
    Yeah thee comments are right. Our body is designed to keep all of the fat and energy that it can. It needs it for fuel later if you decide to shut it down completely. Think of our bodies as crazy individuals. Always thinking of the worst. Always wondering what you are going to do next to " make it lose weight ". Just try to remember that although losing weight can be a science it really is just math. 3500 calories = one pound. Cant get around that no matter how hard we try. I dont know what you weigh so i will give you an example just for ease. A person will burn 10 x their body weight in calories a day just by being awake and breathing. So a 200 pound person will burn 2000 calories a day. If you take that number and take 70% of that, it will give you a good example of what your daily calorie intake should be to lose weight healthy. so again if they are 200 pounds and can burn 2000 calories a day you should take 70% of that which equals 1400 calories a day. With that being done it will give a caloric deficit of 600 calories a day. Now times that by 7 days a week and you will get 4200 calories a week, or just over one pound. Thats what i follow and has worked for me. Good luck with your journey and dont worry about the weeks you hit a wall. We have all been there regardless of what plan you follow.