New to MFP. Time to start a life changing journey.

Hello people. Long time fat guy, short time life change.

Well, I guess I need to tell you a little about me. Well, I'm a 38 yr old guy trying to get my life and weight under control now. My journey started while I was in highschool. I was the fat kid in the back off the class everyone talked about and made fun of. Around 19 I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. Didn't care much, didn't follow doctors orders, didn't listen. Hey, I was 19, I knew it all. Mother passed away in 2001 and I fell into a depression. Life consisted of waking up, go to work, come home, game till midnight, eat pizza every night, go to bed, repeat the next day. About 2005 I ended up in the hospital fighting for my life, spent a week in ICU with a failed pancreas. A1C was over 12 and I left the hospital taking over 250 units of insulin a day. I still hadn't learned my lesson. Sometimes I took my meds, sometimes not. Still lived off Pizza. In 2009, I lost my grandpa and my dad less than a month apart. Again, fell into a depression, A1C still over 12, up to 300 units of insulin a day and weighed over 400 lbs (around 425 lbs).

Then, while all alone, I met this woman I am crazy over. We have been going out for a year now. Before I met her, I managed to drop down to 380 lbs, but still fat. I had been thinking about gastric surgery for some time but frankly didn't have the balls to go through with it. After I met this lady, it came up. My weight, how I didn't like being fat and always tired, no energy and well, just lazy. We talked about how I thought about weight loss surgery, she tells me, she had it a few years ago, best thing ever. So, I looked into it more, I research again on this. I take the plunge. I have been fat and overweight all my life. I have tried diets, pills, exercise, couldn't stick to it or it didn't work.

On April 7th, 2015, I had my Gastric Sleeve surgery. I went into the surgery weighing 372 lbs. Now, here in Sept, I am down to 269 lbs. I've hit a platoe. My GF (who now lives with me) said because of me, she got motivated again to continue losing her weight as well. Because of me, she changed her diet along with her daugher (who is 13 now). We both want to continue to lose weight. My goal is 180-190 lbs. I would be ecstatic to get to 220 lbs though. Now that I'm down to the weight I am since the surgery, I am down to 40-45 units of insulin a day, I can feel my foot again and my A1C is down to 6.4 (should be under 6).

So, that's my weight story. I don't know where to go from here.

I little about my likes and activities.

I am a PC Gamer, I don't play nearly as much as I used to as I now have more energy to do things, not always tired and I love getting out and doing stuff with my GF and her daughter. I enjoy trying to hike, I want to get back into riding my bike (pedal bike) and other activities. I am a huge Doctor Who, Marvel and Star Trek fan and I enjoy playing D&D and board/card games on the weekends. I also enjoy farting around on my xBox One.

Well, that's me in a nutshell. If that was to much info, sorry. If not enough, ask away.


  • mzliz117
    mzliz117 Posts: 1 Member
    I have found that the quickest and most effective way to lose weight is to limit carbs to around 50 grams per day. However you choose to ingest them is your business but it works much better than counting calories. This app is great for tracking carbs as well as calories. Try it, I think you'll be amazed at the results. Google the word "ketosis" to learn more although it sounds like you are familiar with just about everything out there. Best wishes to you.
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    Nope.. Its calories in calories out.
  • Kelador
    Kelador Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you. I just started counting the calories. I've adjusted the carbs, fat and protein settings. Need a bit more protein with the surgery. Not positive what the other settings should be though so I'm trying to research it.