Breastfeeding and losing weight

I am a new mom? Currently breastfeeding. I am taking in about 1200 calories a day or less, is this enough or to less??? I also want to lose weight, just wondering what my calorie intake should be. ????


  • bendyourkneekatie
    bendyourkneekatie Posts: 696 Member
    Please read this:

    No, 1200 is not enough. That means, after the calories for the milk are deducted, you're netting between 700 and 900 calories. That is drastically not enough, you will most likely become ill, probably lose your milk supply, and you need all the energy you can get for your new baby!

    Please increase your calories! You need to take care of yourself first, weight loss will come if you eat at a sensible deficit (I can't give you exact numbers as I don't know your stats), including 300 to 500 extra for breastfeeding. But it's not a race, and now more than ever it's important to take it slowly.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Whatever your maintenance is, eat there. Set MFP to not lose any weight. Breastfeeding will create the deficit for you, If you lose too fast (more than 1-2 lbs) per week, add 200 or so calories.
  • ambreclark
    ambreclark Posts: 4 Member
    What can I eat then?! I find its Hard finding things to eat that are healthy but not gonna make him gassy.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Breast feeding is really what helped me get back to pre-pregnancy weight both times. Drink a LOT of water- that will also help produce enough milk and help you not to dehydrate. As far as foods- just experiment. I know mothers who had to cut out broccoli because it's a gassy vegetable. I also know others who had to avoid dairy because it caused their baby to be colicky. I would say that anything that might cause you to be gassy to try to avoid. Congratulations on your new baby!
  • bendyourkneekatie
    bendyourkneekatie Posts: 696 Member
    There are some really awesome parenting forums out there that might give you ideas about diet with a gassy baby. I frequent an Australian one:, but there are plenty out there.

    Just from personal experience, as my second was epically gassy, I cut down on cruciferous vegetables and legumes, and tried a few common eliminations (such as dairy) but the only thing that made a difference was time. Some babies are gassy, some have sensitive digestive systems that take a while to mature. But I really would recommend going to a parenting forum where you're likely to get a lot more knowledgable support about this kind of thing.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    ambreclark wrote: »
    What can I eat then?! I find its Hard finding things to eat that are healthy but not gonna make him gassy.

    What have you eliminated? For most young babies, the usual suspects are dairy products. It takes up to 10 days of complete dairy elimination to see results. Also it is a good idea to start with dairy and soy elimination, as half of the babies intolerant to dairy are also intolerant to soy.
  • ambreclark
    ambreclark Posts: 4 Member
    Haven't tried broccoli... But I did make a mistake of cabbage one evening and it was not good. So I know cabbage is a huge no! Lol
    I found dairy to be a little painful for him as well. So haven't been having much of that as often either. So I am figuring it out slowly. I find I have to drink a ton of water anyways... So I do drink a lot! I have lost 28lbs so far but I have another 10 or so to go to be back to my pre pregnancy weight. I also have started my workouts too, so means eating more again,right ?
    How much calories per feeding would you say you burn breast feeding ?