Finally Admitting to Addiction

I'm 25 and at the heaviest I've ever been in my life. Almost every week I go through the same mental "peptalk".. I'm going to start a new week, do it right, stop the bad habits and work my way back to being healthy and thin like I always was growing up.

I'll start out the day and do pretty good. It seems like it's inevitable that by the end of the day my "diet" or attempt to keep the whole day healthy (healthy as in foods that I make, know all ingredients of, portions are right, fruits, veggies, etc)... Something comes up and either my fiance wants me to grab something to bring home or I go out with friends. I can't blame it on everyone else though. I've been finding that instead of driving home and making myself a good lunch or dinner, I'll start rationalizing places that are on the way home to stop at. Simply put, I'm addicted to fast food or food that is just NOT good for me. I obsess over what time it is and if I'm actually hungry or if I can wait. I never used to be like this!

I feel pretty lame admitting this because it seems like such a ridiculous thing. I've always been a pretty "black and white" person, thinking if someone truly wants something then they will do it and let nothing get in the way.

I have a membership to a local boxing club and was pretty good at going to power hours a couple times a week. I haven't gone for the past two or three weeks and blame it on my cat passing away and running into a girl that I've had serious personal issues with in the past. Typing it all out, they're bad excuses, but it's what's been going on.

Has anyone else experienced this? What are ways to overcome it and get past it?