Binge Eating



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I just want to know if staying on a strict diet has worked for some people without going on a crazy binge. Some people say to eat what you are craving just a very small portion. That's where I have trouble. I will eat something I crave then I can't stop going back to it.

    It depends on what you mean by strict, and it depends on your behavior, thoughts and feelings around the foods you crave.

    Some kind of structure in your eating pattern, and some adjustment of food environment, can be useful, coupled with a good overall diet, plenty of exercise, enough sleep, and stress management.

    I used to overeat ordinary food and binge on junk food. I hated to throw away food, and one cookie, one bowl of ice cream, etc, was never enough. I didn't really care for food, I just wanted candy.

    I knew I was fat, but I also started to realise that I was malnourished and that my taste buds had been hijacked. Food with no brakes are way too easy to overeat.

    What has helped me: I eat four meals of delicious food every day. I eat when I am hungry, stop when I am full (not stuffed). I used my food diary and "The hunger scale" to learn about sensible portion sizes, appetite, and what foods in what combinations suit me best. I skipped diet foods, low-fat and artificial sweeteners. I eat food from every food group every day. I have a varied diet. I meal plan and cook as much of my food as I can from scratch. I do not keep trigger food in the house.

    I enjoy food as never before. I look forward to every meal. The cravings are lessened. I don't miss the chocolate, chips, cookies and ice cream. I can eat it, but I usually don't want to; I might do it on occasions, out of the house, and in social settings, but never again at home, alone. I prefer real, tasty food. I feel happy, relaxed and in control. My anxiety concerning weight, food and health is gone.
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    I thankfully am not a binge eater on the regular, but some foods (donuts) apparently make me feel like i must eat 6, ans then maybe 1 more an hour later. So the only safe way for me to have a donut is if im brought only 1, and there are no more to be found. .anywhere. i am all like "you stronger than food" until some *kitten* puts a dozen krispy kremes in front of me. I don't binge, but i make really poor quantity choices when food is available in abundance( parties snd buffets) so i avoid buffets completely.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Most of the time people who are on very strict low calorie diets, end up backfiring by binging.
    Learning how to enjoy the foods we love in moderation , using portion control is important.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    qubetha wrote: »
    I've been on many strict 'diets' - all of which resulted in hefty outrageous binges.

    A sensible calorie deficit is the only thing that I have been able to stick to consistently (almost 5 months now - no binge in sight) because I'm not depriving myself of anything and I'm not feeling that awful desperation "FEED ME" feeling 24/7. Strict diets OF COURSE will cause weight loss - but with it, a lot of stress, misery, binge periods and fatigue. Not worth it. :) Do it the MFP way!

    I have certain "no-go" foods that I can't keep in the house but my diet is not what you would call "strict" at all. I think you are making a bit of a false assumption.

    Apart from about 5 or 6 very specific food items, I can eat whatever I want. And I do. I don't limit carbs or fats or proteins individually and if I want to have an entire day where I eat nothing but vanilla yoghurt (ridiculous as that may be) I will.

    A diet where "no icecream" is the only limitation is not by any means strict and if leaving out only icecream leaves your brain screaming "FEED ME" 24/7 then that is actually a serious problem that a person should seek help for.

    I was talking about restricting individual foods, not entire groups or macros. In addition to this, I was also not recommending deprivation at all. I actually recommended substitution. I sincerely believe that no matter how tempting a particular food is, there is something else out there that satiates your needs without leading to a binge. You just have to find it.

    Not simply cut yourself off and suffer.

    You misunderstood my intent completely.

    I don't see any misunderstanding of what you said, especially since the OP asked about strict dieting. It seems to me Pink was replying to the OP, not to you specifically. ;)

    Correct :) I was replying to OP! Hehe
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited September 2015
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Most of the time people who are on very strict low calorie diets, end up backfiring by binging.
    I'd say everyone who restricts too much, be it calories or certain food groups, end up binging.
    Learning how to enjoy the foods we love in moderation
    Or stop eating food that is engineered to be without brakes, and instead love the food that love you back.
    using portion control is important.
    I agree totally with this. We musn't stop eating, we just have to stop overeating.