Simply Sweet Sally needs to eat more simply and eat less sweets...

SimplySweetSally Posts: 6 Member
edited September 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I have said for a long time I needed to lose weight but never really put any true effort into it. I have tried a few things over the years including weight watchers but the most I ever lost was 15 pounds and I think that was due to group hiking more than what I was eating. A friend convinced me to come on here and see if I can finally get started.
In real life and even to a degree online I am a bit of an introverted Dr Who and similar type show Geek.
However, I also know that I must have accountability and a support group to do this. The hiking I did years ago was with a group and having that really helped.
I am not happy with how I look right now or how I feel.
Dieting seems so difficult because every day there is some new theory or something healthy becomes unhealthy or what was perceived as unhealthy is said to help. It is confusing and trying to figure it out seems like such a difficult task I always back out. This time I can't though.

I am hoping that on here I might find others who have over 50 pounds to lose and who have issues such as diabetes, thyroid problems, and well lupus so that maybe there can be better understanding.



  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    No diabetes, but I did lose over 100 lbs. You can do this. Add me for support.
  • No diabetes, but I did lose over 100 lbs. You can do this. Add me for support.

    Wow, that is a lot of weight. How long has it taken you? What worked the best? Your picture is so amazing.

  • Robert0622
    Robert0622 Posts: 5 Member
    Follow geek here, I was reading your post and I too and looking for support. I have a long way to go as I am trying to lose around 200 lbs. I am gong to send you a friend request that you can take or ignore, I will understand if you don't take it. Anyway, I wish you well and you can look me up anytime you want to chat or need encouragement.