30 day shred + bigger ladies

I am 5'10ish and 284 lbs and plan on starting the 30 day shred tomorrow. Are there any bigger ladies like me on here who have done the 30 day shred? If so, what were your results, experiences, and could you share before and after pics? Also, do you eat before you do your work out or just drink a big glass of water? I think the plan right now is to the work out right away in the morning for me, and my brother said not to eat anyting, but just drink a big glass of water 30 min before working out and then work out, and then wait an hour and then eat. Any thoughts on that as well?


  • ashm1427
    ashm1427 Posts: 23
    Just bumping, in case my post got lost in the shuffle.
  • diabolomenthe
    diabolomenthe Posts: 4 Member
    I can't answer your first question, but I can talk about eating!

    I'm of the camp that thinks it's not very good to workout first thing in the morning without eating first. I'd recommend eating breakfast, then waiting a good two hours before you work out. Alternatively, a good carbohydrate snack maybe 15 minutes beforehand, if you don't have time for the breakfast.

    After your workout, there's a period of time up to maybe 30 minutes afterwards where you should consume some water, protein/carbs, and your body will put those to the best use. If you wait a full hour, you'll miss that window of opportunity. It doesn't mean to eat a full meal, but to have a quick fix (i.e. banana and almonds).

    And good luck with the shred! It's challenging, but definitely worth it :)
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I'm not heavy, but I did the shred and ripped in 30 before work on an empty stomach. My schedule was: wake up, turn on tv, do the workout, shower, coffee, then breakfast and leave for work. I started the video while still half asleep. Sometimes I would remember to set water nearby in case I needed a sip during. I'm guessing that your body has enough fat storage to use for energy so that you do not have to eat first, especially since it is such a short workout. Eating first makes me think of puking while doing that workout, but again, I haven't tried it. And I had no time in my schedule to eat and then wait 2 hours to workout.
  • thelovelymrsgeorge
    thelovelymrsgeorge Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 240lbs currently. I haven't don't the 30DS but i do workout in the morning. I eat about 2 bites of greek yogurt and then work out. If i don't eat anything before i get a massive headache, but if i eat any more than that i get really nauseous. Then i will eat the rest of the yogurt cup with my regular breakfast about 30 minutes after my workout(after a shower). I also had my gallbladder removed a few years back so i have to be very careful what and when i eat. You may have more flexibility with what you can/should do with your food timing. Just listen to what your body is telling you.
  • thelovelymrsgeorge
    thelovelymrsgeorge Posts: 2 Member
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I'm on day 5 of 30 day shred. I'm currently 114, started losing at 196 and trying to get to 105. I workout every morning,first thing. I do not eat beforehand. I would throw up if I did
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    I am in the last week of 30 day shred an started at 285 pounds. I currently weigh 277 and have lost several inches. It's tough but doable, I was also already fairly active before I started. I will post my pics when I'm done. Don't get discourage when u don't lose weight, because u are gaining muscles. I would only drink water before I started, trust you will need it. The sweat is never ending lol, but I always made sure I ate within 30 minutes an drink more water. Only because I would wake up in the morning to do mine and 1.5 hours is too long to not have breakfast
  • ashm1427
    ashm1427 Posts: 23
    Sorry I didnt reply sooner everybody. We had tornados and bad storms in my part of the state I live in last night so I shut the computer down for the night. Thank you everybody for the replies. I am going to go and get started here soon after my husband takes pics and measures me. I am going to go with drinking water before I work out this morning and see how that goes, and then maybe tomorrow see if I need to eat like half a banana or some cottage cheese or something. My brother is a big believer in not eating and needing to burn the fat straight off, but its good to get other feedback and reply's. Thank you again!
  • avvalynna
    avvalynna Posts: 32
    I just finished level 2 this evening. I'm currently 232 but I started it in my 240s. I'm a computer gamer so I do it after work and before I get involved with the computer. I usually get home, work out, shower, make dinner and etc.

    It is very doable but do not be hard on urself. I have orthopedic issues and I do the modifications. Even the jumping jacks I perform another type of cardio instead. I have lost several inches already. But again, you will get stronger if you persevere. There are things I can do now that I couldnt have 20 days ago.

    Oh, I never eat before a workout but I do have a towel and water with me.

  • ashm1427
    ashm1427 Posts: 23
    I just finished level 2 this evening. I'm currently 232 but I started it in my 240s. I'm a computer gamer so I do it after work and before I get involved with the computer. I usually get home, work out, shower, make dinner and etc.

    It is very doable but do not be hard on urself. I have orthopedic issues and I do the modifications. Even the jumping jacks I perform another type of cardio instead. I have lost several inches already. But again, you will get stronger if you persevere. There are things I can do now that I couldnt have 20 days ago.

    Oh, I never eat before a workout but I do have a towel and water with me.


    This is awesome to hear! Sounds like you are doing a great job yourself :) I am hoping that I can do what I cant do not in 20 days. Fore xample... i cannot do jumping jacks either. Plus..my knees are cracking!! haha
  • BethanBee86
    BethanBee86 Posts: 71 Member
    I am heavy and not started it yet but will be on July 1st and there will be a few of us putting before and after measurements .:)