What is your Macro breakdown



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    I'm a guy, so you are saying not to bulk? When I started losing weight I was around 22%, 60 lbs later I was at 20%. Granted , this is off the bio impedence body fat calculator on my scale, same time, every morning. So what do you suggest? A crap ton of cardio and a decent defeceit? What macros? I was thinking of a circuit training approach as far as cardio the next time I cut.

    Weight lifting. Full body routine.

    Check out "all pro" on bodybuilding.com, in the workout programs forum.

    You can do that routine on a cut or at maintenance.

    When you progress, look into an advanced hypertrophy split routine and start bulking.

    Cardio is for the birds. Nothing wrong with 1-3 miles fast past if you can fit it in here and there (heart health is never a bad thing) but weight lifting should be your prime focus, given your goals. If you enjoy a super elevated heart rate, lift weights faster (with good form of course).

    Agree with this. Even during a cut, a solid lifting routine will do wonders for your body.