Staying on track

I've been doing strenght training since mid-june now, once a week, walking for 30 min 5days a week and eating well. I've had good results and am motivated to continue. Why? Because i feel sooo much better. My body is stronger and i can do more things and not feel fatigue! So i'm staying on track and perhaps will find other activities to add to my weekly routine. Or walk for 60 min instead of 30!

But right now i'm treating my feet to a well deserved pedicure :)

Have a great weekend!


  • gunrock1970
    gunrock1970 Posts: 45 Member
    Keep at it. That feeling is the best.
    I've been out for a couple of weeks finishing my thesis and I started back this morning; boy! Have I set myself back or what! Couldn't stop sweating, even after the shower. Still sweating two hours later. I felt like i was burning up.