Weight loss aids

Hi all,

I am currently stuck in a rut with my weight loss, my scales are constantly up and down from 9 and a half to ten stone and I would really like to hit my target of 9 stone before Christmas,
I only eat 800kcal per day with one 'cheat day' per week and this has always worked for me to get down from 13 stone, and now I just can't shift anything so I'm looking for some help, which diet tablets have worked for people?
Willing to try most things, eph included so any advice of the best aids and where to get them would be great, thaanks


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    AIDS is great for weight loss, but I wouldn't recommend it.

    Seriously, just eat at a deficit, have realistic expectations, don't cheat, and you'll lose weight.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    The best aids: appropriate calorie goal, consistent logging, patience.
  • Optimistical1
    Optimistical1 Posts: 210 Member
    Talk to your doctor about prescription Adipex (phetermine). The drug had been out for 15+ years and monthly visits to the doctor are required for BP check, so it's safe as diet pills go(I use the word safe very loosely). Phetermine is only for short term use as it looses its effectiveness after a couple months, but it should help you get where you want to be weight-wise, then you can go back to MFP for maintainence.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Talk to your doctor about prescription Adipex (phetermine). The drug had been out for 15+ years and monthly visits to the doctor are required for BP check, so it's safe as diet pills go(I use the word safe very loosely). Phetermine is only for short term use as it looses its effectiveness after a couple months, but it should help you get where you want to be weight-wise, then you can go back to MFP for maintainence.

    Yeah not a safe recvomendation for someone who is already clearly under eating.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited September 2015
    ...I only eat 800kcal per day with one 'cheat day' per week and this has always worked for me to get down from 13 stone, and now I just can't shift anything so I'm looking for some help...

    If you're not losing weight, that means your cheat day erased the deficit you created on your 800 calorie days.

    How many calories does MFP tell you you should eat to lose 1 pound per week? My suggestion is that you use that amount, save about 100 calories throughout the week and then have those 600 calories on your cheat day - but log everything, and use a food scale so you know how much you are really eating.

  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I might be wrong but it's possible your cheat day is far too 'cheaty'! What I mean by that is, you are eating so LITTLE during the week and then come 'cheat day', you are eating far, far too much - causing your whole weekly deficit to be completely messed up. I used to do EXACTLY what you are doing now. I'd eat around 600 calories all week stupidly thinking that this would speed up the process (I was a lot younger back then!) and then come the weekend, I would eat such a shockingly huge amount because It was my 'cheat day' and it was 'okay because I was good all week'. This is such a flawed way to do things.

    You'd be better off working out how many calories you actually should be consuming (example: 1500 per day) and eat 1500 per day. You can fit 'treats' into that allowance as it's realistic and sustainable and non restrictive.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    AIDS is great for weight loss, but I wouldn't recommend it.

    Seriously, just eat at a deficit, have realistic expectations, don't cheat, and you'll lose weight.

    Ha. That's horrible and funny. Seriously, though, someone in my family has it, sticks to her treatment religiously, and she has never not been obese, like, ever.

    As for the OP, I'm just gonna copy and paste my response to a similar thread...
    I used to take the original Xenadrine once upon a time (they've probably changed the formula 10 times since then to keep up with all the weight loss buzz words like "green coffee bean," "raspberry ketones," etc.). Over a decade later and I still found myself morbidly obese. The OTC "fat burner/appetite control" supplements are all the same. Some exotic plants (if you believe the label) and lots of caffeine packed into a magic pill that has, at best, a placebo effect at best, and can cause organ damage at worst. The only thing that EVER helped me lose weight in all these years was using MFP to educate myself about calories and stay at or around my calorie goal every day. I've lost 55 lbs since January. Give it a try.