
Hi there everybody! Lately I've fallen short on my diet - I have been eating pizza and candy bars etc. So I was wondering if anybody had some tips to get back into eating healthy. I find it difficult because I don't have much time to prepare good foods. Anything is helpful, thank you!


  • Ladybug_1794
    Ladybug_1794 Posts: 94 Member
    edited September 2015
    Im In the same boat. It's hard to eat healthy and lose weight. I've been eating bad. Even when I eat healthy I still manage to eat something not so healthy. But I always try to keep fish in the freezer at all times. I get the big bags of frozen salmon and tilapia and eat those mainly. And asparagus. But it is hard I know I find myself eating kettle corn or a bag of hot Cheetos. But people on here are very inspirational and if you ask advice they give lots. So hopefully I can get on track and shed some pounds. Look at the success stories on here it always gives me inspection and motivation to get this belly fat off
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I think you need to re-evaluate how important your goal is to you. Pizza and candy bars are fine - in moderation and it sounds like it's the 'in moderation' you are struggling with right now. I have a huge appetite, I love all types of food and a LOT of it - but I've lost 30 lbs *because* I kept my goal in sight and chose that over the momentary pleasure Pizza gives me. Don't get me wrong, I still allow myself those things but I make sure it's tracked and within my calorie range simply because I want to succeed. Ultimately, it's down to you to get to goal and by making constant bad choices, it's going to impact that. If that bothers you enough, you'll naturally make better choices. Good luck :)