Getting distracted and not always logging what I eat

I have lost about 25 lbs by using my fitness pal and have got my a1c down from 8.8 to 6.6 from March 2015 till now, but I have been slacking on logging everything I eat and have gained about 3lbs recently.. I don't want to lose track of why I am doing this. I started because my doctor was going to send me to an endocrinologist and have them put me on insulin, but I didn't want any part of this.. I told him to give me a chance to lose weight and get my a1c down and I did it, but I have had the mind set that its okay to not track everything and I have now gained 3 lbs.. I don't want to end up in a worse position and need a little motivation to keep me grounded. Even if I do go over my calories, I need to focus on not eating so many carbs.. My hours at work have changed and I seem to come home from work and eat a big meal right before bed... I need to figure out what to eat that will satisfy my hunger, yet not make my blood sugar go up.
I thank you ahead of time for your help and or suggestions.


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    3 lbs, not bad. If you're tracking your weight you might find that it's just a fluctuation. If it sticks for a few weeks, maybe you gained, but you know what to do to get back into check. Start logging everything again regardless, don't let yourself slip.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Nuts in moderation.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Good of you to recognize what happened. Best advice is yo start logging again until you lose the 3 and get back on the path u want to be on.