"You don't look like you have ever played sports."

I'm broken. For 12 straight years I put my all into it. Now, 5 years out I am severely over weight, and I look like I have never stepped on a court in my life. Family criticism and judgemental friends have fueled this fire in me today. And this one comment has set an alarm off inside me. Please someone, anyone help me keep pushing forward and I will return the same. Once an Athlete always an Athlete right?


  • Danatuckermax
    Danatuckermax Posts: 13 Member
    Ugh. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Feel free to add me if you need an accountabilibuddy. I'm very active on here and I'd like nothing more than to see you succeed.
  • Always_Smiling_D
    Always_Smiling_D Posts: 118 Member
    Read my profile and add if you wish. As long as you are doing this for you, you will succeed - yes the words might have been hurtful but it has to be all about you and what you want and how you are going to accomplish it.
  • Frenchers11
    Frenchers11 Posts: 21 Member
    Ah man, words can cut deep, even more so when uttered by family members!
    I've been told about muscle memory, now I don't know if it's a load of poppycocks, but in theory your muscle should start going back to what they were if you get to train again the way you used to (or something along this line).

    You've got to do it in yourself, use the way they made you feel to motivate you into training. But try to not let it affect you. (I know, tough). And you might want to tell them that their criticism isn't helping. I had to be blunt about it to my parents/siblings when I was a teen and they were commenting on me being chubby. They thought they were being funny...

    What sports were you into for 12 years?
  • YOLO5415
    YOLO5415 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you all so much. I really and truly appreciate your kind words. I'm new to all of this but I will learn to add you all and follow. I was gymnast turn basketball player, and played ball through college. Crazy combo I know, but I'll definitely look more into muscle memory training, etc..
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Man, people just say dumb things sometimes! I can think of a few things I wish I could go back and unsay, too. There are times I wish I could explain to some people just how much their words hurt, but I know that most of the time, they don't mean to hurt, their comment was thoughless, at worst. I'm still trying to learn how to brush things off, but it's hard!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    YOLO5415 wrote: »
    I'm broken. For 12 straight years I put my all into it. Now, 5 years out I am severely over weight, and I look like I have never stepped on a court in my life. Family criticism and judgemental friends have fueled this fire in me today. And this one comment has set an alarm off inside me. Please someone, anyone help me keep pushing forward and I will return the same. Once an Athlete always an Athlete right?


    I could barely get out of bed for nearly 3 years due to illness. I'm an athlete again, though it may not look like it to the casual observer.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    The only thing that's stopping you from getting back to the athlete you once were is you. I'm 60 and am close to weighing what I did in college- with lots of work and ups and downs. You've seen what 5 years can do. Time to take control of your body and life back. You can do this !
  • phia829
    phia829 Posts: 29 Member
    I played collegiate basketball and lost that lovely body shortly after I stopped so I understand exactly how you feel. I'm sorry that you have to go thru such criticism but they probably don't realize how hurtful it is. Either way I'm actively back on trying to get back into better shape so feel free to add me :smile: I probably need more motivation than you lol
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    There are TONS of overweight, out of shape, former athletes out there. From amateur to pro. What is the common cause for getting overweight out of shape? Eating more than they need and lack of the physical activity that they did continuously when they were competing. You may not ever be at peak like you were before, but you can still LOOK like an athlete.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
