new member... not overweight, are u???

cnr0905 Posts: 167 Member
anyone here not exactly what you would call overweight but looking to get healthy and fit???? thats me!!! looking to find some advice on getting fit, supplement ideas, weight training methods, etc. just lookin for some new ideas....


  • quit4gud
    quit4gud Posts: 2
    well I lost 4 stone,alot of it down to stress but that's a whole other story :) lol
    I smoked for the past 2 years again...stress. BUT gave them up 12 weeks ago and no cheating...
    only prob is im starting to overeat again with only 12lb to go!!

    so ive some weight to lose and also wanna get fit and tone..
    wanna buddy?
  • CMay16
    CMay16 Posts: 144 Member
    ME!! I only have about 10-15 lbs. to go, definitely not overweight, just getting myself fit and healthy, and enjoy everyone's company along the way:bigsmile:
  • kels1152
    kels1152 Posts: 74
    Me too!!!! I'm not overweight but I just want to tone up and focus on eating healthier :) I would like to drop another 5lbs though :)
  • cnr0905
    cnr0905 Posts: 167 Member
    hey thanks everyone, no offense to anyone trying to lose a bunch. im rootin for ya... i lost 25+ now im in the building stages. just lookin for others in my boat, hard to chat with someone you dont have same goals
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    im obese
    till i lose 8 more pounds then over weight
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • SammyCardsFan
    SammyCardsFan Posts: 7 Member
    I have been wanting to make this post as well! Recently lost 12 lbs, gained half of it back and now back to where I was. I really struggle once I get to this point because it's comfortable. My goal is 8 more lbs. I could use buddies for motivation too! Just started MFP a couple of weeks ago and it has help tremendously. I just need to keep pushing myself and need extra motivation to keep it going!
  • spbeckman
    spbeckman Posts: 2 Member
    I'm here to avoid becoming overweight. Every year I find less muscle and more fat around the middle. If I drop five pounds of fat and regain a few of muscle I will be doing well.
  • pjol79
    pjol79 Posts: 50 Member
    This is exactly where I'm at. Not overweight, decent runner, decent strength, but just starting back up on here for more accountability and to really focus on getting strong and shed some BF%. If anyone's looking for another buddy for chatting and motivation, feel free to send me a friend request :)
  • Jensenwellington
    Jensenwellington Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there!

    Not overweight after a big weightloss. But I still want to drop a larger amount (somewhere between 10 and 20 pounds) you might call them vanity pounds :-) And also really focus on maintaining my lower weight combined with a more controlled and balanced way of eating. I want to have a comfortable relationship with my food and eating in general.
  • droozel
    droozel Posts: 10 Member
    Don't know nothing about overweight, lets say I'm in the same group :)
  • mdoyle28
    mdoyle28 Posts: 62 Member
    Not overweight here, although would like to get to 145, currently 151. I did start at 185 in November though(quit smoking and gained 20lbs bringing me to 185) and joined this site just a couple months ago for added accountability and great reviews. These last few lbs are stubborn as heck though.
  • txpetvet
    txpetvet Posts: 13 Member
    Ivf you look at me you would think I have no weight to lose because I've been active my whole life. Except for the past 2-4 years I went thru a bad divorce. I need to eat better and get stronger and healthier lose about 8 pounds and gain strength and muscle weight . I would live to find a friend with similar gosls :)