Help with my schedule

LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
The last month or so I have been swimming a lot, and taking a break from the gym. Mostly because the weather was so hot, that just the idea of working out indoors made me want to die. Even with the A/C on.
Now I am back to the gym, and trying to establish a routine for the next months.
Swimming stays, 3 times per week. I am taking 2 rest days, so this means currently 2 days in the gym. Probaby will reevaluate and slow down on swimming when the weather gets freezing cold and the pool might no longer seem so appealing, but this will not happen until after New Year here.
So, I have two days in the gym, which would normally have been dedicated to a whole body lifting routine (my routine until August). However, I would really really like to fit Pilates in this schedule. Just feel into the mood for it right now.
So, the question is, would it make any sense to have one day of Pilates and one day of free weights, or would just one day of free weights be pointless? Would it make more sense to just have a second Pilates day, or maybe a TRX strength day? Adding a 3d day in the gym is out of the question right now.
As for goals, not really anything specific, other than general fitness, and working on improving swimming style and speed right now.


  • fitrep1
    fitrep1 Posts: 22 Member
    One day in the gym is a good idea based on what you are trying to do. I normally don't bring it up often but maybe work a day of crossfit instead of just lifting. One thing I try to tell anyone I work with is "Do what you like!" Chances are you will stick with it longer.