My Story (in a Nutshell)

I'm 18, soon to be 19, and the startling revelation is that I'm not happy. Far from it, actually. But this started years ago, when I was 12 or 13. I was diagnosed with PCOS and later, hypothyroidism. And for several years, I used it as an excuse. "I weigh this much because I'm so and so." Or, "my weight hinders me because of my pcos." Most of the time, people viewed me as dumb and comical because of my weight or found it funny.I am on Metformin and L-thyroxine, but until last weekend, I wasn't taking them normally and it was messing my physical and mental health up.

But then, last Saturday, at a theme park, the one attendant literally had to step on the bar to see if I could fit onto the ride.

I couldn't. The humiliation of being that large struck me and it hasn't left me since. I am 320 pounds. I am a size 2x, usually 3x. I size 26 jean/dress. I feel comfortable sharing this with you, because I am done feeling in subordinate and guilty. I don't want to be like this anymore. But I can't do it alone.

I still attend high school and on a students budget (literally $0), I rely on my parents to cook/buy most of the food. I eat at school every day, but thanks to thw Obama administration, our portion sizes and caloric intake are pretty "good".However, the snacks I eat can be my own, and there is portion sizing, like I said.

I don't really care to exercise much, so that's one negative. I have a treadmill in the basement, but like I said, I don't really like walking in place and I live on a highway, do its kind of challenging. I guess, what I'm trying to say is, I need to start slow so I'm not out of breath 10 minutes into my workout. Currently, I shoot about 100+ arrows at a target in my backyard to gear up for archery (varsity sport) season at school, I also joined my school's yoga club.

I guess I included all this because I'm looking for somebody who won't judge when I get discouraged or eat too much or somebody who won't judge me on my inability to exercise properly. I just need support.

I am fully confident that very few, if any, are on here to judge others, but if you think you'd like to be friends and we can support each other, let me know, thanks. :)


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hello and welcome.
    Nobody here will judge you because we've all been there before . its a rough place to be in, but your in the right spot now ( mfp) . there's plenty of support here and the tools for long term success. You can do this !
  • eleanorella1989
    eleanorella1989 Posts: 51 Member
    If you're like me and you're doing this weight loss journey alone, it'll still be possible to get where you want to be, and try not to let it discourage you. It's incredibly hard at times but then there's days where it's not so bad. For me, today is a day where it's not so bad. I constantly went over my calorie limit last week and couldn't stop eating once I had breakfast, I wanted to cry and thought I was failing and was just going to gain more weight, but I told myself I couldn't let that prevent me from starting over the next day and try to do a better job. Right now I'm mostly just trying to eat foods with labels to log in my food diary and count my calories, but then there's time where I'm unable to count them and it gets frustrating but I'm doing my best to not let it stress me out. I know this is all very overwhelming, but as long as you stay focused and tell yourself to start your weight loss by doing SOMETHING (even if it's a small change) instead of nothing it'll all get easier from there, and maybe you also won't want to give up so easily when you feel like you're failing or your weight loss is becoming too challenging. Just know it'll be worth it in the end.
  • Thank you so much for opening up. It seems to me the you are ready for change and deciding no more excuses! I have struggled with my weight for years.....and the older you get the harder it gets especially when you are dealing with medical issues. You are making the right decision and even when you have bad days hang in there! We are all in this together.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story :)
    You've definitely come to the right place and you definitely seem to have the right attitude to make some fantastic life changes. Focus first and foremost on your calorie intake - input your stats in to the MFP app if you haven't already and it'll give you that number to aim to each day. Get to grips with tracking your calories and logging your food and once you're comfortable with that part of the process, you can introduce light exercise if you feel you are ready to. The bottom line is, you CAN do this. You can succeed and you can be whoever you choose to me. Take one day at a time and most importantly, don't give up. Wishing you the best of luck.