some motivational words <3

i got this today from my weekly jillian michaels email. i wanted to share it.

Overcoming a Setback It happens...

you miss a few workouts and you feel like you've fallen off the weight-loss wagon. It's tempting to mentally slap yourself around, right? (Or head for the fridge.) Before you start, I want to remind you of something: Being hard on yourself is the Old You. The New You knows how to deal with setbacks and get back on the wagon. And after all, there are no mistakes, just learning experiences. Weight loss is a process — it takes time. You will encounter small failures — everyone does — but every pound you gain can be lost. And if you miss a workout, it's not the end of the world! Get to the gym the next day and continue to focus on your short-term goals. Just because you made bad choices today doesn't mean you can't start over tomorrow. New day? New beginning. And don't you forget it!

* taken from :


  • bkgirl2001
    bkgirl2001 Posts: 11
    Thanks for this. I definitely needed it today!
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    The exact point I've made to several of my friends here who have had a few slip-ups. I can tell exactly who is going to slip-up during this journey we are on. WE ALL ARE!!!! I can guarantee it. Be it for one meal, one day, two days, a week. We will all screw up some way, some time. For the simple reason that we are humans and that is what humans do. Absolutely, positively guaranteed.

    You measure yourself not by your failures but by how you respond to the setbacks and how you overcome them. Yeah, I screwed up but damn it, I'm not going to let it beat me. I'm better than that, I'm stronger than that, I want it more than that. And you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back in the game. One step at a time.

    None of us added the weight in one eating binge. None of us will lose the weight in one magnificent weight loss binge. It went on slowly, it will come off slowly. You don't beat yourself up over the failures, but kicking yourself in the butt, or having friends to kick you in the butt when needed, isn't bad. But the one thing I think too many people forget to do is to take a moment and revel in their successes. Rejoice in the NSVs. Be proud of that 1 pound you struggled to lose. Don't wait til you get to your destination to celebrate the achievement. Celebrate along the way too, because that will provide motivation even more. Congratulate others on what they've done. Karma works, folks. And laugh. Cause that will make it all so much easier.

    Thanks for the note from Jillian. She was right on the mark.