Trying to build a friends base to help through this

Having done it by myself on and off, I believe the support of the community would actually help me stay on track and motivated. My main problem is nothing keeps me coming back to MFP and i get tired after 2 weeks, but I know it works when I do log my food. Logging in to see friends accomplishment would be a great source of motivation. Also looking forward to encourage each other when we slip off and get back to working towards our goal.



  • llmg970
    llmg970 Posts: 257 Member
    Is m always looking for friendly support add me if you want. I agree logging with friends helps keep myself motivated
  • confusedmom08
    confusedmom08 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am just starting the weight loss journey again. I could do with some support and willing to return the support. Add me if you would like to.
  • kirstywillia
    kirstywillia Posts: 74 Member
    Hiya! Having motivational friends definitely helps! You can add me if you like :smile:
  • tiawna
    tiawna Posts: 95 Member
    Hi! I need the motivation and support too. Trying to get back to it after bring completely inactive this entire year. Ugghhh. I've gained so much weight and physically feel it. Let's help support each other to health and fitness!!!
  • allison9991
    allison9991 Posts: 11 Member
    I am looking for friends too!
  • Mickers36
    Mickers36 Posts: 84 Member
    Omg someone please add me too lol. funny how a "like" or a "don't give up" goes a long way. especially when you feel like you are the only one struggling
  • luci180
    luci180 Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to love to find a support group as well to help each through the journey and achieve our goals! Please add!
  • White_hibiscus
    White_hibiscus Posts: 1,594 Member
    Always looking for positive encouraging pals.

    Add me if you like Nd lets do this once and for all!!!; (
  • White_hibiscus
    White_hibiscus Posts: 1,594 Member
    Always looking for positive encouraging pals.

    Add me if you like Nd lets do this once and for all!!!;))/quote]
  • blessedmama05
    blessedmama05 Posts: 1 Member
    I need the support too. Want to stay motivated and not quit this time. Feel free to add me.
  • kelsiefit
    kelsiefit Posts: 3 Member
    I'm getting back at this too and always willing to provide support and motivation! Feel free to add me (:
  • jodynreid555
    jodynreid555 Posts: 5 Member
    Will you please add me?