Disclaimer: Chronic Imperfectionist Seeking Supportive Friends.

Hi All,

I’m Kelsie, 25, F, and a serial dieter turned(turning) healthy lifestyle enthusiast. I’ve tried about every weight loss solution known to man, and have finally come to realize that being happy with my life and with myself is a huge part of leading a healthy life.

After yo-yo dieting for years, I had managed to drop about 30lbs again and was actually starting to feel good about myself. I wasn’t where I wanted to be, but I was finally learning to appreciate the journey, rather than solely focusing on the destination. Over the summer I ditched the diet plans and just focused on living life for me and being happy with who I am at heart.

Admittedly, I got a little too indulgent and gained some of the weight back that I had lost over the previous year. I’m back on MFP (after a mishap with my old account) to help get my eating back in check and help get my food intake and exercise habits back into perspective.

I’m not perfect. I probably won’t log every single thing, every single day. We all have strategies that work best for us, and stressing over every bite just isn’t it for me. I’m here to use MFP as a guideline and learning tool on my road to a happier and healthier me.

One thing I can promise is to cheer you on and be there if and when you need support. So if you’d like, feel free to send me a message/friend request! I’d be happy to help support anyone and everyone. We’re all in this together. (:
