
Hi my names Liv. I weigh 9 stone 9 pounds and I'm 5"5. I run for 35-45 minutes 3 days a week and do a workout routine 6 days a week. What is the lowest amount of calories I should be eating in order to lose weight?


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    The lowest amount for a woman is 1200 - but I wouldnt suggest that at all.

    I'm 5'2 - 9 stone 1 and I work out 4 times a week. I lose weight on 1500. I'd say you'll probably be on the same sort of amount - maybe a little more. Input your details here: and it'll calculate it for you. Alternatively, put your information into the MFP app and it'll tell you the basic amount (it wont however include exercise calories - you'll have to add them on yourself)

    Good luck!