looking for buddies who chat

hey =) as subject says I really need some motivation. coming out of quiet a dark place at the moment and need some positive vibes around me. =) x


  • JessekaKing
    JessekaKing Posts: 64 Member
    Add me...been there, working through it now :)
  • dwndnk
    dwndnk Posts: 3
    Add me...I work out alone. My husband has his buddies and I have...me! Don't get me wrong they try to be supportive but c'mon, they are his buddies and they are all guys. They don't understand!!
  • dying_2b_skin3
    thank you to both of you =)
  • clairscare
    clairscare Posts: 45 Member
    You can add me as well! Im kinda doin it on my own here so any help is great!
  • Annachu512
    Annachu512 Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me too! :) We're all in this together!
  • SherieNeal
    SherieNeal Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All,

    I am new to this as well. Like everyone else I am looking for a buddy or buddies.

    My first challenge is I don't know how to add in new food and all the details on the label? I can't figure that out yet.

    Looking forward to sharing ideas, challenges, frustrations, work out strategies and being your cheerleader on this journey.

  • samoyed2013
    Hi, coming out of a dark place too. My weight loss is a part of it (but much needed as well!)

    MPP has been a great way to help me stay healthy ...

    Add me if you like ...
  • loriwhitefaith
    loriwhitefaith Posts: 116 Member
    feelfree to add me too hun......you are doing great but id love to cheer you on any way that I can

    chin up...you are a queen and treat yourself like one starting NOW
  • Amaywil
    Amaywil Posts: 44
    Feel free , I have so been their and I need friends who talk too !
  • AngelChini
    AngelChini Posts: 111 Member
    You can add me. I am SUPER talkative aha and I love motivating people!(:
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Feel free to add me as long as you can handle my sarcastic sense of humor
  • shutterbug56
    I'm new here too. Add me, please. :flowerforyou:
  • BrianFL92
    BrianFL92 Posts: 9
    I love to chat
  • LaraShondel
    Hi, my name is Lara. I have always been a large girl all of my life through childhood, school, and even now! About a month ago I was diagnosed with DIABETES Type 2 (that just means I got it later in life and I am on medication not shots). That was a wake up call for me. At first everything was so confusing and overwhelming, but I think I am getting the hang of it now. The hardest part is the do's and don'ts of what I can and can not have. My doctor pretty much handed me a bunch of papers and said figure it out. So with a lot of talking and reading, I can get this. Next come the part where by the way they say give up drinking your soda, (yeah right, she must have lost her mind, lol!) No pastas, no bread, no sugary foods, and if that isn''t bad enough, try to limit your fruit! By this time, I might as well just die! I love my foods and soda. To me it is the same thing as telling someone they have to quit smoking and blowing smoke in their face. IMPOSSIBLE! So I get on the phone and talk to an aunt of mine and found out she too is diabetic. Great! Not for her, but for me; I have someone I can talk to about all of this mumbo jumbo. I think I can do this now with her motivation! She sends me this app. for MYFITNESSPAL after speaking to me about it, I get on here and check it out. Cool. I think this is just what I need to meet new people, get some support, and help me get motivated to lose weight! Two weeks later I go back to the doctors office and she told me I have lost 9 pounds just by walking 1 mile every other day and watching my carbs, sugars, calories and cholesterol. YEAH.. Don't get me wrong, this is the hardest two weeks because your body is craving junk food like no other. I was told to switch to diet soda instead, but that wasn't cutting it for me, I just hated the taste; so reluctantly I am now drinking plain water or flavored fruit water. I don't eat late, and I now eat breakfast. It is really hard to eat snacks though, because I am used to eating one meal a day and that was supper only. Maybe snacking some throughout the day. I don't eat all that crap that says "non-fat, fat free, diet, or those kinds of foods", because when they take some fat out and try to make it better, they replace it with unhealthy things that our body just wasn't meant to have or process. So I have found if I eat regular foods like normal people, I just eat smaller perportions, and more things like veggies, I can make it easier for me to lose weight. When I first started out, my stomach was like your starving me! HELP! But it didn't take long with breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack that I started to feel better! When I first started EATING in November 2012 because I was trying to quit smoking, I was eating everything; unless it was nailed down( of course, I would come back later and break into it, lol) that is when I realized if I eat, I can lose weight. Of course I didn't discover this until I was having issues with my legs swelling by retaining too much fluid. I started out at 403 pounds and in May I found out at my two week drs visit that I have lost a total of 29 pounds, I am so excited! I only have 176 pounds to go before I can actually see 199 pounds. I haven't seen the 100 number since junior high! It is very hard, and tempting; but with some support from friends at work and new friends on here, I think I can do it!
  • jasminsaunderssmith
    add me, in the same place as you
  • l_clc
    l_clc Posts: 126 Member
    Add me if you like. I am just getting out of that place too and would also love some more positive and talkative people on my side and around.
  • rebecka95
    rebecka95 Posts: 15
    add me :)
  • lilpocketrocket
    lilpocketrocket Posts: 26 Member
    Im new to the forums and happy to chat to anyone, so feel free to add me :-)
  • jaokiray
    jaokiray Posts: 22
    Add me...I work out alone. My husband has his buddies and I have...me! Don't get me wrong they try to be supportive but c'mon, they are his buddies and they are all guys. They don't understand!!

    Hey hey, that's a little harsh don't ya think :tongue: Categorizing all male's as not being able to understand. I would encourage not to limit yourself, many different people have a lot to offer. Just saying...

    To OP, feel free to add me if you would like, and if I am an indifferent non-supportive un-motivational kinda guy, just delete me lol :bigsmile:

    Good Luck and welcome!

  • Dream24601
    Dream24601 Posts: 37 Member
    I've been in a really dark place for the past 2-3 years. It got so bad that all I could do was sleep and eat, and sometimes just sleep. I refused any and all help, and gained a ton of weight. I'm the type of person that if you help me, I'll always return the favour ten fold, so feel free to add me and talk to me. I'd love it!