Just curious

So let me just lay it out: I am a 5'4" tall female with PCOS and I am making lifestyle changes so I can lose weight to try and conceive. July 27th I started at 223 lbs. Currently I am 208-ish. I've been losing about 1.75 lbs per week, but I have been tracking for a 1 lb. loss per week with mfp, averaging about 1500-1600 calories per day like it recommends. I'm totally not complaining, just wondering why I've been consistently losing more than it says I should be. I don't really exercise, just making diet changes for now. The most active thing I do is mow my back yard with a push mower once a week and light to moderate house cleaning. I mean, I'm pleased it's falling off, but I'm kinda curious about why there's such a discrepancy. Am I just over thinking this?


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    This is normal.

    Once your closer to your goal weight you'll have the opposite issue. Do you weigh your foods on a scale?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    WBB55 wrote: »
    This is normal.

    Once your closer to your goal weight you'll have the opposite issue. Do you weigh your foods on a scale?


    Also, since you have PCOS, did you also subsequently lower your carb intake?

    Also, here is the link the PCOS group . They have a lot of members and generally, the groups can provide a lot more specialized recommendations/support since they are going through it too.
  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member
    OK. I was just wondering...I mean I know that because I'm heavier I burn more doing anything than I would if I were lighter. I just wasn't expecting it because mfp calculates your calorie count by your weight. And yes, I weigh absolutely everything! I've been known to smack my husband's hand for trying to snitch off my plate. If I weighed it, it's mine. Lol.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    knelson095 wrote: »
    OK. I was just wondering...I mean I know that because I'm heavier I burn more doing anything than I would if I were lighter. I just wasn't expecting it because mfp calculates your calorie count by your weight. And yes, I weigh absolutely everything! I've been known to smack my husband's hand for trying to snitch off my plate. If I weighed it, it's mine. Lol.

    Well, if you use MFP as designed, you calculate yours needs without exercise. Once you exercise, you are supposed to eat the calories back (or a portion because MFP can overestimate). If you are not doing that, then you create a larger deficit, which could be why you are seeing greater weight loss.
  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member
    Thanks for the link! I didn't consciously lower my carb intake, but I am eating less of them just as a side benefit of accounting for and treasuring every calorie I eat. Good bread is how I treat myself these days.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    MY GUESS is that you set your settings to sedentary, but you're actually lightly active in your daily lifestyle. Since what you're doing is working, I'm not suggesting you change a thing! But this is just my guess. Very few people are truly sedentary if they shop for themselves and walk around at all, for instance.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    knelson095 wrote: »
    Thanks for the link! I didn't consciously lower my carb intake, but I am eating less of them just as a side benefit of accounting for and treasuring every calorie I eat. Good bread is how I treat myself these days.

    Lowering your carbs will cause glycogen/water depletion. So its not uncommon to see greater weight loss up front. Over time, that will taper off. But @WBB55 makes a good point. Many people choose sedentary and are actually lightly active. Either way, at your stats, it's ok to lose 1.75 lbs per week.
  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    MY GUESS is that you set your settings to sedentary, but you're actually lightly active in your daily lifestyle. Since what you're doing is working, I'm not suggesting you change a thing! But this is just my guess. Very few people are truly sedentary if they shop for themselves and walk around at all, for instance.
    You're probably right. I quibbled over which to pick because of the descriptions under each one. I really am pretty lazy overall, I can sit for hours at a time when working on projects. Definitely won't change it, though, I'm pleased with my progress :)
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Good question! :)

    I started the process at 157 lbs and was set to lose 2lbs per week - which I did consistently. I'm now 7 lbs away from goal and set up to lose 0.5 lb per week. Every one told me this is going to be the slow part and I'll admit, it HAS slowed down somewhat, but I'm still losing around 0.8 - 1lb per week! I'd say carry on as you are! If it ain't broke don't fix it, after all! You're doing great! Although it sounds as though if you WANTED to up your calories, you could probably do it by 100 or so if you chose to. A lot of it's a trial and error thing! :D