Just starting out ;)

This is my first day through My Fitness Pal, since another site (which shall not be named) has just started charging for the calorie journal service alone.

Counting calories has worked well for me so far, but I need to loose so much more weight before I can be healthy. (There are multiple severe health risks in my family history). I've lost and kept off 20 lbs using the other site. So I am hoping I will continue to be successful here as well.

One aspect MFP has that the other site lacks is a forum. I'm really looking forward to the support this feature might provide.

There is one thing I've been considering recently. I'm no stranger to cardiovascular exercise--I love walking/jogging in fact. But I'm worried lately that not doing any significant muscular exercise is not only hindering my weight loss results but also contributing to my health risks overall.

What muscle-strengthening exercises would you all recommend for someone who has never lifted weights? I don't want to hurt anything. ^^;


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Start with nerdfitness.com and jefit.com. The former has some very good articles and videos explaining proper technique, stretching and methodology as well as a few good workouts. The latter has a huge library of exercises and routines broken down by muscle group and experience level, so it's relatively easy to find a routine that works what you want and is rated for a beginner. The biggest thing is going to make sure to watch your form. You'll get a better, and safer, workout with less weight and flawless form than by throwing as much as you can handle on the bar and doing whatever it takes to lift it. The latter is how injuries happen. Always warm up before you lift, and always make sure your muscles are warm before you stretch.