Fuelled by a breakup

My boyfriend and I have broken up after 5 years together and looking to get my self esteem back. Want to lose about 15lbs minimum. Anyone else in a similar situtation, looking for support and motivation :)


  • Rocnr
    Rocnr Posts: 637 Member
    im not in the same situation but i can try to support...
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    I'm not now, but that was what got me going initially :) Fitness is such a good way to get your angries out and get stronger in the process. Two months from now you're going to be like YEAAAAAAAH I rock everything. Get it!
  • JasmineAmber3
    JasmineAmber3 Posts: 8 Member
    I am in exactly the same boat!! Although I want to lose around 3st. Wasted 4years on the guy so want to get my pre-him body back. We can do this!!