Baby weight

3 years ago I got the gastric bypass surgery and ever since then I lost a total of 100 lbs. Recently I have gotten pregnant and my doctors told me not to gain more than 30lbs during my pregnancy. In the begging I was going to the gym and eating right but as I got further along I got tired because I was a college student focusing on graduating and getting ready to start my career, which also led me to eat anything that was eat to grab and go rather if it was fast foods or fatty snacks. At the end of my pregnancy I have gained 60 lbs and was devastated. So now I've been working harder than ever to lose all of my baby weight plus more. My beautiful baby girl is now 3 months and since then I have lost 32 lbs. I just need to keep my head up and stay motivated. Please tell me I'm not the only one who gained so much weight during pregnant


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    With my first I gained 60 lbs and that wasn't even a full term pregnancy. If I had been able to carry to term, it probably would have been 70 - 80 lbs. I had pre-eclampsia that resulted in an early csection though. I had been obese at the start of the pregnancy and the weight gained took me to really obese.
    I had gained way too much. My doctor only wanted a 10 lb gain at most.
    My second pregnancy, I gained 40 lbs which was double what my doctor had wanted. I however was proud that I carried him to 41 weeks and I didn't gain near as much as I had with my first. It's been 15 months since my youngest was born and I had lost all the baby weight by 6 months postpartum (if I remember correctly). I'm now about 42 lbs lighter than my pre pregnancy weight.