vegan new to the sight

kjd298 Posts: 13 Member
Hey all! Looking to see if there's any fellow vegans out there. I lost about 35 pounds when i became a vegan a year and a half ago and was satisfied with the weight lose. Recently though I have been feeling very self conscious and concerned that I have gained about 4 pounds from cheating (some meat and cheese). I really feel that i would like to loose another 6 pounds in addition to the 4 pounds i recently gained, putting me at 121. Any encouragement would be super helpful!


  • Hey kjd, I'm an organic, gluten-free, sugar-free vegan. My best suggestion would be to look at reducing the amount of sugar and refined carbs in your diet. When I was in my 30s this was a sure way to lose weight. In my old age, apparently nothing works. haha Good Luck!
  • Hey was a former vegan,now started to juice...might help
  • kjd298
    kjd298 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey yeah i would love to juice everyday but in my experience its so expensive! I do juice when i can though
  • kjd298
    kjd298 Posts: 13 Member
    I do keep pretty good track of my sugar intake. Try to stay away from processed sugars but I do slip up sometimes. Get it mostly from fruits and veggies
  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    I'm a level five vegan, I don't eat anything that casts a shadow.