Weight/measurements question

Hausisse1 Posts: 165 Member
edited September 2015 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
Hi! Soo, over the past few months my weight has increased slightly (2 pounds). I do lift weights a lot, so a gain in muscle would be cool, but my measurements don't reflect that... they're exactly the same as before. Even the places where I ought to be building muscle (calves, quadriceps, etc) are the same size. However when I flex they look a lot bigger and more defined. But still, when I'm not flexing there's no difference in measurements.

Additionally, I don't record my waist and hip measurements, but rather only my waist/hip ratio, which has decreased despite the weight gain. So I guess my measurements have changed a bit.

What's up with this? Should I just assume it's fat?


  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    What routine are you on? Is it a proven routine, or do you just randomly lift whatever you want to when you go to the gym? Any cardio?

    What is your current weight and goal weight?

    Can you estimate your current bodyfat % by looking at google images and reporting back with a range?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I have a weight fluctuation of 5 pounds.. Could be what I ate such as low carbs to affect water weight, or even higher carb that affect water weight, also female hormones, salt/sodium... unless you ate 7000 calories over maintenance, this is not real fat...
  • BrentJulius
    BrentJulius Posts: 89 Member
    Could be water, and probably muscle, especially if your flexed measurements have changed and you said you look more defined. Sometimes measurements don't tell the whole story as looking in the mirror does