Anyone want to do whole 30?



  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    Healthy eating and weight IS as simple as JUST DO IT, however the problem is many people don't JUST DO IT.

    If all the extra rules and tricks of Whole30 help you maintain a deficit....that's fine. Do whatever gets it done, but when it all comes down to it, every single diet works by having you eat less than you burn.

    I know the calories in vs calories out argument and wholeheartedly agree, aside from the human aspect. We all have struggles that can get in the way from time to time. Whole 30 will provide temporary restrictions for me to overcome these cravings.

    But those restrictions are for the purpose of determining your body's tolerance to food, NOT learning healthy eating habits and losing weight. There's a disconnect between the purpose of Whole 30 and its recent promotion as a fad diet.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Some kind of structure - that can be regarded as restriction, and often more restricive for the observer than for the doer, I can see that ;) - and that addresses your particular struggles - is necessary to break a habit. I had monster cravings. I've never considered Whole 30 for myself though - I have used calorie restriction and calorie counting, and logging in food diary, weighing everything; I still meal plan and log food, don't eat between meals, and don't keep junkfood in the house. I eat most of the same things as before, but I am healthier, because my attitude towards food has changed enormously.

    I called them restrictions but I really don't feel that way about it. I already don't eat dairy, and so the only real change will be not having simple sugars and carbs.

    I don't keep junk in the house either and look forward to continuing to change my view on food.

    Totally get that. Elimination can be empowering. It can help you understand that, well, actually, I do have control..I just needed to rearrange how I approached it. It doesn't have to be viewed as long term, just an exercise in understanding why you do what you do.

    I've never done the whole 30 but looking at it, it's very similar to what I put together for myself in the beginning for a whole host of reasons, not necessarily weight loss related.
  • kikip38
    kikip38 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm looking to do whole 30 starting this weekend and would love some support. Anyone want to join?

    I just three here. Add me!